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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Sammeobi will get 30+ goals this season. Nailed on.
  2. It's the facial expression. It's as if he really thinks he's great. The problem is, he's done less than nothing on the pitch, yet he's already got the arrogance, and that really pisses some people off. Big timing it is fine when you're a big time player.
  3. Is that because he isn't as criminally over-rated in France as he is over here?* * Statement possibly made out of jelly.
  4. Oh my god! Double win! We get a striker, and get rid of that G-Prick too!
  5. SAmmiobi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranger
  6. Because Jose has been acting the prick on Twatter, does that mean he will get shipped out on a free too?
  7. Probably find out he's been on a affair rampage like another respectable elder statesmen of football players. I get the impression that he's a massive racist. Maybe that's his dark secret?
  8. Scoles - one of the dirtiest players ever, although he was a decent player. Still, at least he kept his mouth shut and wasn't a total cunt unlike most manure players - Beckham, Ronaldo, Rooney...
  9. It's true though, all footballers are money grabbing cunts.
  10. Bye bye Nile, you've done nothing for this club, and you're a prick to boot. Good riddance, you fucking wage thief, you will not be missed.
  11. TBH, Barton has been behaving in a disgraceful way and has worked his ticket as far as it could have gone. Now we have Cabaye and Marveux, he won't be missed as much either. I do like Barton, I feel he has just gone too far this time. Thanks for everything Joey, but it is time for you to move on. Just a shame we won't get a fee for him.
  12. Depends on if we ever manage to get rid of the FCB.
  13. What are they trying to talk about? Players who used to be good and now shouldn't be anywhere near the England team?
  14. Whoa! How horrible is the badge on the new Arsenal shirt?!
  15. If I was manager, I'd fine Barton heavily and then put every player on a Twitter ban. There's no need for it at all. Even if you disagree with something, everyone is still part of Newcastle United and a united front is important. And as long as he's under contract, he can screw then nut.
  16. Good plan. TBF, I was thinking of letting Harper's contract expire then moving him onto the coaching roster. Letting him suffer death seems a bit harsh.
  17. I had actually written Vuckic off as a failure until a month ago. Now I think we should defo play a 4-4-1-1 formation even if Barfa is injured with Wee Harry behind Ba.
  18. Well, they can stump up the right fee, or they can fuck off. Southern cunts.
  19. .com running their annual piece on him.
  20. Not obsessed with them, it's just that they are so utterly unlikeable, both as a football team and a city.
  21. Why not? In my system I am playing Barton as a AM alongside Barfa. I do agree that Cabaye is the better CM and would be better ALONGSIDE Tiote, but would he be better than Barton playing off the striker?
  22. I think we will see this for the first two games: Krul Simpson Williamson Colocinni Enrique Barton Cabaye Tiote Jonas Ba Best Once our injury problems are resolved, I would like to see: Krul Simpson Williamson Colocinni Enrique Tiote Marveux Jonas Barton Ben Arfa Ba But where the f*** does Cabaye go?! I reckon it will go down to whoever is injured, as only Tiote, Ben Arfa and Ba are nailed on in in our midfield/attack.
  23. I can see how this will go. England will play turboshite but still scrape through. Come the finals, the media hype machine will go into overdrive, only to be followed by 11 total pricks putting in gutless displays against shit teams and bombing out again. Happens in four year cycles.
  24. Watching SSN, he scored a good goal against the spuds today.
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