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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Not exactly the easiest group they've got here? Easier than Barca/Milan.
  2. What a fucking fix! How much have Citeh paid UEFA to avoid Milan/Barca?!
  3. I know he's mixed race, but Gullit has really been caning the sunbeds!
  4. Strongest team: Krul Simpson Saylor Coloccini Raylor Tiote Cabaye Marveaux Jonas Ba Ameobi Soderberg Williamson Ferguson Gosling Vuckic Obertan Best Team I would play: Krul Simpson Williamson Coloccini Raylor Gosling Abeid Marveux Ferguson Obertan Ba Soderberg Saylor Kadar Tiote Cabaye Vuckic Ameobi
  5. If this 'High stress' message thing IS true, could it please be turned off on my account. It's well annoying.
  6. Is this how Cashley and Del do business?
  7. TBF, the Arsenal/Manure rivalry has died down because Arsenal are no longer a title threat. They'll be lucky to finish 4th IMO.
  8. I would have thought that if Newcastle was so precious to Barton, he would be willing to give up Twitter. And I would have thought that the board would have been willing to offer one of it's key players a new contract on the proviso that he gives up Twitter. Shambles all round, only one party is the winner here, and that is QPR.
  9. He's not as bad a player as he is made out TBF. He's a RM shoehorned in at LB, and he's done OK.
  10. Whatabout both? Would be a cum fiesta on here.
  11. If we can get rid of Ranger as a makeweight, that would be a massive bonus for us.
  12. What are those inbred cunts whinging about? Mackem Webb didn't give it, and they STILL got beat. They were lucky they weren't 1-0 down with 10 men early on. Could have been on to another humping.
  13. Can we write a letter to the FA asking why Refs don't just save time by booking Barton in the tunnel before the match kicks off?
  14. Why, Dalgleish should have gotten longer for us IMO.
  15. but it meant Liverpool won and they're even bigger tossers As much as I despise the horrible, inbred, unwashed, m*ckem cunts, I hate the wall pushers just as much. There is absolutely nothing to like about liverp**l whatsoever.
  16. That XI is supposed to be an 'In case of deby, break glass' team, not our best ever players!
  17. Krul Solano Dabizas OBrien Raylor Emre Nolan Luque NZogbia Shola Chopra
  18. Can we actually complain to the FA for an extra ban?
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