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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. I wish he was released....
  2. TBF, Jose has to go. He's not going to perform, and if we don't get a fee for him, we'll only have to pay his wages for another year before he leaves on a free. Great player, but either him or the FCB needs to go, and I don't see the cunt going anywhere soon.
  3. It's still not good enough. Blatter needs to go.
  4. I wouldn't have thought so, they've got far too much dignity and class to do things like that remember "Just let Cattermole go through him on derby day and his season will be over." As if he could get past Tiote to do that. In American Football terms, we could use HBA as our QB and Tiote as his blocker!
  5. I was thinking the other day, if I miraculously got enough money to buy the club outright, would I keep Pardew. Came to the conclusion that there would be a total holocaust of anyone that had taken the shilling from Ashley, incuding Pardew. He is just the face of that hateful twunt upstairs. Never mind debate about our manager, until that fat cockney ballbag is out of our club, we will never get a good, influential manager.
  6. Princess Diana will come riding onto the pitch at SJP on Shergar before Ranger is on time fo anything, let alone a run onto a throughball.
  7. OMG! Orlando has become a state! Hope our lads aren't caught up in a civil war!
  8. And everyone knows that Barfa is God, despite him only playing for us for a total of 34 seconds all in.
  9. Right. Everyone stop posting. Nothing to see here. We can now only post hard facts, so might as well just read the news. Clearly opinion isn't allowed without someone getting a massive cockstand about it.
  10. We just need to have a crack down. Banning orders dished out for this would send the right message.
  11. Their midfield really is average considering that they've spent the GDP of Wales on transfers...
  12. We could end up with 20 years of Ameobis here! Has Shola got any kids?
  13. If this happened, I'd stop supporting football altogether. What about the Sheff Wed/Utds? The Forests and the Leeds? You can't take away the dream of top flight football! Grass roots is bad enough as it is without forcing the youngsters to folliw their local franchise. And the draft is a turboshit idea. Rewarding failure is just wrong. The real solution is salary caps/transfer caps/enforcing contracts, not penalising the strong.
  14. Hopefully the rotten cunt will be plying his trade at another club anyway.
  15. That was just classic Shola, most untidy finish I've ever seen. Gerraway man, it was a great finish!
  16. Plus, how is it war when those players spend all their time rolling around on the floor like twats?
  17. That has to be the gayest, shittest load of hype I have ever seen. Just what I'd expect from those horrible, hateful, wall pushing cunts.
  18. I don't care where he goes, as long as we get a fee for him!
  19. aye course you could I suppose you can't see my tongue lodged firmly in my cheek over t'interweb then?
  20. Carl Cort by all acounts was a sound bloke and a good player who was hideously unlucky with injuries. Even Sir Bobby said so.
  21. All this shit about him mixing stuff up off the bench is bollocks by the way. I could come on against knackered players and chase every ball down. I'd probably win a few sprints for the ball too. Doesn't mean I'd be a good player (I'm pretty shit actually! ).
  22. He might only be 20, but he's done more cunting in his short life than 20 average men would manage over their full lifespans.
  23. Difference is, Bellamy was a very good footballer. Ranger has 2 goals in 49 (ish?) appearances and is even more a jigsaw than Lee Clark was.
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