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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. She's not minging, but I can't get over the fact her hairline is similar to Robocop's!
  2. If we get a million quid for him, it'd be like turning piss into wine!
  3. So happy this useless little twat isn't going to darken our doors again! The classless waste of oxygen has to go down as one of the biggest wastes of a squad number since Albert Luque!
  4. I'd auction him off. Would even let him go for a free. He will never be a 1st XI PL player. He just isn't good enough. Even Ameobi who is shite looked better than him when he was young.
  5. In all fairness, it'd be a celebratory drink of piss!
  6. If he stays until our first game I will piss in a thimble and drink it. Not confident enough to do a pint, but I'm 87% sure he will go.
  7. A players worth shouldn't be decided by his length of contract. It should be judged on his value to the team that's buying him. True, but you'd effectively be paying a fortune for one year's service, when you could sign him for nowt a year later. This is why we didn't sign Beckford (who turned out to be turboshite) because it would be uneccessary spending.
  8. If we could get a quality CB and CF, I'd happily close the window now!
  9. This thread is chock a block full of utter panic ridden bollocks. I bet all these panic stricken morons are the same lot who were complaining that Nolan, Campbell and Kuqi weren't good enough etc etc etc.....
  10. There is nothing to that story whatsoever. Usual substanceless red top shite. Also, Ireland is a total oxygen thief and I wouldn't take him on a free.
  11. We should defo look to pay the difference in his wages to get shot of him. At least we'd claw back 15k a week.
  12. Harsh. Harper has been a brilliant servant and thoroughly proffessional. Nobody had a better 2nd choice keeper when we had Shay. Shola on the other hand, has the magical combination of laziness, underachievement and being thoroughy talentless yet he has survived 9 managerial reigns. Now THAT is a skill...
  13. Glen Johnson is pretty terrible TBF!
  14. Just waiting for a Trollface to be put on the board any second now...
  15. I'd like him with us, but only if he'd take a 3 year deal. Plus I wouldn't pay more than 10 million for him, absolute tops! This does seem inflated, but we are desperate for a top striker. It would be such a waste not to put Ba and Berbatov in front of NZogbia, Ben Arfa, Tiote and Marveaux! We could push for Europe next season!
  16. Yeah some people were being ridiculous! Can't understand comments of "he's good enough for where we are now". How is the worst starting right back in the league good enough for us unless we're hoping to finish bottom? Have you been taking crack?! Worst RB in the PL? Howay man, take yer heid for a s****.
  17. Could those thick unwashed inbred bite anymore, man! Who is Mag at Work?
  18. Stop swearing, you f***ing c***. Swearing is good for you. You blistering fucknugget shitcunt!
  19. I hate Morgan too. For lots of reasons. Although can you imagine what would happen on the Arsenal training ground when Barton started filling all their mincing, flouncing players in?
  20. Aaron Hughes was and is twice the player that Danny Simpson is, and until the day he retires I'll be annoyed about his sale, I couldn't say the same about Simpson. Not that I necessarily want Simpson out, but he needs at the very least some serious competition for his spot, on last season's form he's clearly the weakest member of out first XI now. I'd bring in strikers, a back up/replacement LB and a right winger before a RB TBH.
  21. All you fuckers who want to 'upgrade' Danny Simpson are probably the same bunch of fuckwits who advocated us getting rid of Aaron Hughes. Be careful what you wish for...
  22. That's a nice piece written by his agent. Shame it omits the reason why he hasn't been playing any first team football: he is worse than crap. Bye bye James, thanks for wasting our wages for us.
  23. Adam needs a beating with the ban hammer!
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