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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Hopefully the hairdryer will come out now. Maybe we could get Fergie on for Jose and Ireland on for Shola.
  2. 5 goals is excellent considering how shit he is!
  3. What you on about, man? Charlie Adam is the second coming. Sky say so, so it must be true!
  4. Maybe it's something to do with Easter weekend in Blackpool in the red hot weather? I'm no expert, but I'd wager that the fans may have had one or two drinks before the match. And last night.
  5. Still not convinced about Loven playing in front of Shola. Please prove me wrong, you crazy Danish bastard!
  6. Can you imagine what would happen to the servers if the club renewed his contract?! MELTDOWN!
  7. Is this thread a piss take? Campbell is one of the worst players we've had for a long time!
  8. But they aren't proffessional athletes. For five figures a week he shouldn't be drinking at all!
  9. If we give him 50p more than the wage cap the world will fall in though. That's one step away from doing a Portsmouth or something. Surely that 50p could come from the Carroll pile of dough?
  10. Thing is though, if he kept it in the VIP room and didn't plaster pics all over the web, it wouldn't be an issue provided he wasn't turning up to training in shit state or drinking the day before a match. It's the fact that he is self promoting this gangster image when everyone is questioning his work ethic and he is doing himself no favours whatsoever, especially when he is on the precipice of joing the likes of Danny Cadimaterei and Frederico Macheda in the 'Could have made it, but now are shit' category.
  11. I think people massively underestimate the 'Three Amigos' thing. You can see it in the way they play together. I'd be prepared to smash out an 80k a week deal for him to stay, he's that important to us.
  12. Nothing. Oh. Yeah, it's fine to dress like a tool and cut about with two bottles of spirits then stick the pictures on the web. Shows you're a really comitted athlete and everything.
  13. And if they win they are above us again Please take your logic and reasoning elsewhere. This thread is only for mindless optimism and wishful thinking. Thank you.
  14. And people accuse me of being harsh on him. If I was manager, he'd be gone before lunch time on my first day. Total waste of skin.
  15. On the plus side, if we lose, it puts the unwashed more firmly in the poo.
  16. What you on about, man?! The Toon are always simple, straightforward and predictable!
  17. TBF, I'd like to see Routledge get another chance with us. We've been desperately short on the right all season as soon as Wor Joey has been needed in the middle, and I think if he could develop some end product, he could be a very dangerous player.
  18. Thought you were a fan of Ranger? Love him mate. He is the living embodyment of proffessionalism and ability.
  19. Rightly so, Blackpool have been awful for weeks. We have a much better side and should be confident going into this game. Of course we could still lose it, but theres no reason for us to be going into this thinking of defeat. If we played like we did against Manure combined with Nolan and Ireland from the off, we should facebum these the way they are performing.
  20. Needs a season in the fizzy pop league along with Ranger, Tozer, Kadar and Vukic. Has far more potential than Ranger IMO.
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