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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. The only way Ireland would improve our team would be in a 4-5-2 formation, and then only marginally...
  2. It's fair to say that Best has shown desire and deserved his chance, but with our striking crisis, Xisco needs a go, because I think there is a fair chance he is more gifted than Best and has more potential. That's not to say say sideline Best, just give Xisco a crack of the whip too.
  3. Price of a new shirt from 1995-97 is around the £50 mark, £80 if it's printed! Sorely tempting though. Am gutted I left my shirt lying around wet and it went mouldy. My Mother chucked it out. Wouldn't fit me now though, I was only 12 at the time!
  4. Best is shit. Fair play to him, he tries his heart out and I really like the bloke, but it's like watching a pub footballer, only slower.
  5. A paradox, nooooooooooo..........
  6. Worst moment: The Carling cup defeat at Wigan a few years back. I was just so angry at how shit we were, being beaten by a shit team with the shittest fans. I remember seeing Fat Freddy nearly getting filled in trying to drive away too. Just diabolical. Funily enough, I wasn't bothered about the Relegation too much at the time, I was in Afghanistan, so I had other things to keep me occupied!
  7. David Ginola then Laurent Robert then Hatem Ben Arfa This is why everyone is so excited.
  8. Can't remember the seat number but the view from the Leazes end seat that is very top right (ie same side as the East stand) is nothing short of iconic imho. http://www.nufc.com/images/2000-sjp2.jpg
  9. I hope he doesn't go. I'd rather the scousers were lumped with an out of form wantaway than given a 40 million warchest.
  10. Rules of life: 1. Anything said on Twitter, or indeed the interweb is almost certainly untrue.
  11. Because there are others in front of him doing better? I still don't understand why he should just be given a start for the sake of it. Exactly. It's not like we're playing for nothing But when we're having to lean heavily on the likes of Best, Ranger and Lovenrands as our strikeforce, it's worth taking the small risk for a game for the payoff that he might turn into a useful player rather than continuing to add f-all to the club. And he'd have to play pretty badly to be worse than those three have been on occasion.
  12. Why doesn't Pardew just give him a full game? It might just motivate him if he gets a taste for scoring. Clearly not playing him hasn't worked.
  13. I think that would give us too soft a left hand side. I'd much rather have: Barton Nolan Tiote Jonas Ben Arfa Carroll And leave that penis Ireland nowhere near our squad.
  14. I think we're actually better than them. Take away their numerous spawny victories and they are very average. Also, we've been dealt a few harsh blows this season including: 1. Consistently terrible (biased? corrupt?) refereeing against us (Everton, Man City, Arsenal, and many more). 2. Dropping points in the last minute! 3. Injuries/suspensions to our key players (Carroll, Tiote, Willicini, Barfa etc) If lady luck moved from wearyside to Tyneside, I'm pretty sure we'd be out of sight of the unwashed.
  15. But we need a single scapegoat. This is how it works.
  16. Gallowgate is definately the way to go, but if it's also worth getting yourself to the top of the Leazes end to appreciate just how big it is and the view over the Toon.
  17. Quote me all you want, I'm pretty sure I won't be getting a shitcock at the end of the season.
  18. I've said it on this thread before and I'll no doubt say it again: WE'RE NOT GOING TO GET RELEGATED! And if we do, I'll shit in a bowl, piss on it, blend it and intravenously inject it into my fucking cock vein! Stop being so negative!
  19. TBH, with some people's views on here, we should withdraw from the cups and hunker down to scrape 17th place in a 38 game season. Because that attitude will fill SJP every week and attract brilliant players.
  20. Sewelly: So you'd stick with the team that proved they were s**** at the world cup? Yeah, it's fine, just keep ploughing ahead regardless, Rooney's bound to score sometime!
  21. Oh, and I'm not on about us winning it with that team, just seeing off the small teams at the start.
  22. Fair enough, 90% was a bit of an exaggeration! 75% then!
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