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Everything posted by LRD

  1. Get that Grampus Eight guy that Wenger raves about. Might just turn out to be a Wenger-lite and implement an exciting style of play at the club.
  2. His past managerial signings also hint of someone with PL experience and some PR skills, positive or otherwise (JFK). There definitely needs to be a fundamental change in the next managerial recruitment. I hope he recognises that it will mean paying more to get a manager who can get the best out of the players or in other terms his assets. It need not be the 7m needed to get a Wenger or Ferguson. 2 or 3m should get us a decent upgrade if we look carefully. Any increase in the wage bill will more than likely be offset by the monies from an improved league position anyway. There's no more room for the current penny-wise, pound-foolish approach.
  3. LRD

    Alan Pardew

    Cisse RW, Sissoko #10, Cabaye 3rd CH, Tiote Advanced Mid, Shola RW, Bigirimana RM, Jonas everywhere.
  4. LRD

    Alan Pardew

    His career so far has been made of a promising start at his clubs, followed by a spectacular collapse thereafter. Much like most matches we get - decent first half then the inevitable despair that follows in the 2nd. And yet some people still want him in extra time. Incredible.
  5. It needs to be visible mate, the lack of protest towards the manager at the match is shocking, given the state of affairs. Aye you're probably right, unfortunately. Just had to laugh when I saw the thread though. Like finding out you have a horrible disease and the doctor asking you if you'd like him to try and heal you. 3 doctors still advised no treatment though.
  6. Really surprised there hasn't been more noise made at SJP after a 6-0 trashing at home nor that at the loss to the mackems. The crowd needs to have their voices heard to send a message to the owner and the media. I only hope the Arsenal match will not be as muted.
  7. I was wondering about the 3 'yes' votes myself.
  8. LRD


    We playing Stoke again?
  9. He will have our CHs for lunch. Didn't celebrate when he scored against us. You mean whether the camel toe can emulate the PDC knee slide? Hmm... HTH.
  10. LRD

    Moussa Sissoko

    Only Sissoko is as average a header of the ball as it comes.
  11. LRD

    Alan Pardew

    This. Ashley will do well to understand the implications of having a sub-par manager at the club. Frustration is clearly evident in the players and if he doesn't stop the rot soon, players will want to leave and nobody decent will want to join us. It will then hit him hardest in the area he cares most, his investment.
  12. LRD


    That's my main worry, it's all about momentum when you get to this stage and we look f***ing demoralised. Cisse, Cabaye, Sissoko, Debuchy, MYM, Tiote, all showing signs of real frustration on the pitch in recent games and I don't blame them for that. You sign for the club on the promise of being able to play your football and got sold a lie. Their confidence have totally evaporated and I can't see Pardew as the man to inject some drive back into them. We either have to stick with that man and hope results of Villa and Wigan go our way, or get a replacement for the remaining games hoping some fresh impetus will drive us over the line. Pardew is suffocating the life out of this team.
  13. LRD


    Gonna cancel my cable TV subscription if we are relegated. Those bloody suckers have steadily increased their fees and it's only gonna get higher. I had refused to subscribe to that daylight robbery of a Euro 2012 plan.
  14. LRD


    Worrying thing is that besides form, Aston Villa and Wigan are playing as more of a team than we ever did, especially in the past 4 games. We're going from one nadir to another.
  15. LRD


    Lost 0-3 to the mackems at home. Having to cheer them on on Monday. Worse.
  16. Surprised it's not the biggest home loss in PL history. Just great isn't it? 2.38am and I can't sleep at all. Can u? U in Perth ? Singapore.
  17. Surprised it's not the biggest home loss in PL history. Just great isn't it? 2.38am and I can't sleep at all. Can u?
  18. LRD

    Alan Pardew

    Not an ounce of confidence left on the players who are totally broken. Needs replacing immediately so that we at least have a chance of savaging some points for survival.
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