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Everything posted by LRD

  1. Not even on target. Perch's such a shit header of the ball.
  2. That nice view of the city is the only positive from the match so far.
  3. The rate we are going, we may crucially have an inferior goal difference to the 2 teams below us.
  4. Come on Bale, need a gozalo now.
  5. Yes u sexy ape! (Oops, thought Bale scored. )
  6. Very tactical team. Passing the ball and going down when necessary for a free kick.
  7. Jonas in for Gouffran to track Johnson's runs instead of letting them worry about us at home.
  8. He's just not that type of player so it's never a red. Won the ball clean as a whistle.
  9. Pardew will do well to learn from Wigan's approach. Taking the game to a CL contender at home. And we are facing a lesser team missing their best player.
  10. Even Everton's goal was all that.
  11. Huddlestone effort hit the post.
  12. LRD

    Alan Pardew

    Just doesn't work like that, though. Wouldn't blame the fans if they do boo, just concerned what effect that will have on the players when there's still survival to play for. Deep inside, I hope Pardew and the board eventually knows how we feel about this season though.
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