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Everything posted by frankpingel

  1. Yet recently I've read threads on there about them always experiencing trouble both home and away v Everton. They have great difficulty in understanding one persons actions or words doesn't represent a whole city or club ie. Horsepuncher, Jimmy Hill ect ect
  2. Could do with QPR giving us a little help tonight. Irrelevant if our previous good form returns but a win for Reading will put pressure onto Saturday's match.
  3. He is (average) and so another loan player in his place would be my preference.
  4. Replay will probably be chosen for TV.
  5. Given the way he's been used so far this season it's possible the only game he'd likely have played is the replay. If we get through he'll be back for 4th round.
  6. If he's not injured he must be away?
  7. Think we'll be seeing Grouffran back today. Hope Yedlin retains his place but I've a feeling Anita will return.
  8. Fingers crossed he's fit for tomorrow's match.
  9. He was on the ground injured as play developed for his second goal. He saw that play was continuing and got up gingerly and sort of stumbled with the ball over the line. Subbed soon after, probably as precaution but can't be sure.
  10. If it's one of them, Palace or boro to go down with Swansea and Hull I'm going to enjoy watching it unfold. Ideally it'll be Sunderland to drop though.
  11. Onto Anfield for more laughs on Monday. They love being UP in the premier league you know.
  12. Gary Bennett is hilarious to listen to.
  13. Gary Bennett having a fit on radio commentary about the defending for Burnley goal.
  14. I would be massively disappointed if his move is made permanent. Just about good enough for now but I feel we need far better should we get promoted.
  15. Brighton match in doubt due to heavy fog. Decision at 17:45.
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