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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. Exactly..And it's a very important job indeed..A job he's performed very well since his arrival..People have a tendency to forget the dirty work that has to be done, and notice only the creative aspects of the game..Shola was a good example of this today..He was shit in attack, but did a very good job as first defender..
  2. I think he'll really struggle without Jose doing all the graft for him like Bullocks..I think Enrique will struggle without a player like Jonas tracking back all the time..
  3. Man he was lightening quick..Was a bit on and off though, so he'll probably struggle a bit against the best teams..But I think he'll do some serious damage against inferior opponents..
  4. He was good at setting up other players in the preseason matches, and his statistics are better than carroll's..As long as the ball is delivered inside the opponent's box Ba is dangerous..But he needs those crossers, just as Carroll does. Without them he will not deliver.. This is his teammates' responsibility.
  5. Relax..He needs movement..No runs today so he had no other alternatives than to hit a support pass..Will be much better when he's paired with a fast and movable striker.
  6. Punk77


    He is shit..He was slaughtered in the Danish papers after his performance against Scotland...
  7. Did a couple of decent things today..And who were sniffing just behind the Arsenal defender after the sublime cross from Colo..
  8. Punk77

    Shola Ameobi

    Shola was inefficient in his forward play, but he did a lot to help his teammates defensively..
  9. What? On that point we agree Michael.. Jonas was absolutely terrific in his defensive duties today..Together with Raylor he eliminated Gervinhio completely..Raylor's job would have been a lot tougher if it wasn't for Jonas..He is inefficient sometimes, but he gives 110% each fucking game..That's why I love him..
  10. I think Downing is the key..He's the only one in that team who's capable of delivering the crossers Carroll needs..Suarez I'm not certain about..A Ajax-supporter said he only scored against the weaker teams in the dutch league..He didn't cope against the best..So hopefully his performance home against Spurs was representative for such a syndrom.. Henderson is a good crosser. As are Adam, Enrique, Johnson and Gerrard... Adam is a good crosser on free kicks...Enrique is a shit crosser..Downing is the only proper wide man who frequently runs down the line and delivers the ball inside from decent positions...
  11. Nolan fits that description perfectly tbh. Nolan is a good leader who often scored goals when we weren't playing particularly well. You can't apply the same plaudits to Cuntenkrands. This argument could easily be turned on its head..Maybe we didn't play well BECAUSE of Nolan..With a more creative central midfielder we could just as likely scored more goals and created more chances than what Nolan managed to supply..It will be exiting to see him and Parker in Wankership..If Parker should be a creative force, they're really in trouble..He ruined some momentum in the game against cardiff by taking his pirouettes..Nolan was shit in that game bwt..Hopefully they'll get their partnership on track though..
  12. Punk77

    Erik Pieters

    You could play one wide left to provide these through balls for Lovenkrands Just wait, if he starts against some weaker teams, I'll guarantee that he'll score or have an assist..
  13. That's Liverpool supporters' main reference when it comes to Suarez' abilities. But they forget to mention that both Ferdinand and Vidic didn't play that day...The central defense consisted of Evans who's a shit player, and an undeveloped Smalling..For Suarez as an attacker, that's a huge difference in the quality of the opponent
  14. Punk77

    Erik Pieters

    So who do we want this guy, Mbenge or the dude from Lyon?I've never seen any of them play so I'm totally blank..
  15. I think Downing is the key..He's the only one in that team who's capable of delivering the crossers Carroll needs..Suarez I'm not certain about..A Ajax-supporter said he only scored against the weaker teams in the dutch league..He didn't cope against the best..So hopefully his performance home against Spurs was representative for such a syndrom..
  16. It's called investment. It's no surprise our fans see it as an alien concept. So you would have paid £20 for Henderson and £35 for Carroll? That's not investment, but waste of money..Cahill on the other hand might be worth the money..
  17. Always refreshing to see quality players dismissed not that I think Douglas knows much. That's precisely the point..Keeping journalists in the dark through sending out mixed messages is to our advantage..It's not good for us if Pards goes out and confirms interest in a particular player, that will only alert other clubs and drive the price up.
  18. If his twitters anything to go buy he wants to be rio ferdinand so taking the #5 is no shock to me This time he didn't back off, that fucker..
  19. His pace should give him a great advantage as attacker..Hopefully he's better at timing his run than Shola.
  20. Nolan fits that description perfectly tbh. Can people please stop referring to this idea like it's one that's sweeping the forum. As far as I know it's the view of 1 Scandanavian fruitloop and that's it. You're so hell-bent in complying with the "fielding the best team possible always-principle" that you refuse to accept alternative solutions that other managers use, with success. You're obviously arguing that we should always play our strongest team to increase our winning chances. That will if course happen, in the SHORT run. But here lies the predicament: By always fielding your best players, they will get tired as the hectic season takes its toll. This will increase the probability for injury. Also, more games increases the probability of freak injuries (tackles ala De Jong) and suspensions. So as the season develops, we're suddenly without BA because he's injured for two months, together with a host of other important players. Consequently we're forced to use Shola or Loven while BA is out. Because we refused to trust Loven to take care of the weaker teams (which Loven has proven he's capable of doing), BA's freak injury against QPR makes it necessary for us to to play with Loven against stronger teams like Everton, where he's amply proven that he's shit (that could be the difference between losing or winning against that opponent). Also, since we're stuck with Loven/Shola or Best the next months while BA is out, our chances for winning games during that period are reduced. Accordingly your principle could hurt us in the LONG run, hence the predicament. Also, my argument is based on my positive nature. Unlike many of you acid cunts, I actually believe that the club is going in the right direction.. Call me insane, but I like Pards and I like Mike's (despite his previous faults and administrative fuckups) transfer and youth policy. We haven't had so much promising youth in our lines for many many years, which MA deserves credit for, whether you like it or not. Because I have faith in our current squad and manager, I actually believe that Vukic or Loven is capable of stepping up when called upon and doing what's necessary to ensure our win against the shittiest teams. So unless you're accepting that above predicament could be a reality and if you're still insisting on being so fucking negative with no trust towards the current squad and manager, it's better that we agree to disagree.. Go away. Did you just try to have sex?
  21. Not necessarily..If he's used right he's capable of scoring goals..He managed 7 goals and some assists and behind him he had a central midfield without creativity. Cabaye and HBA will give him through balls, hence he'll be much more effecive.
  22. Nolan fits that description perfectly tbh. Can people please stop referring to this idea like it's one that's sweeping the forum. As far as I know it's the view of 1 Scandanavian fruitloop and that's it. You're so hell-bent in complying with the "fielding the best team possible always-principle" that you refuse to accept alternative solutions that other managers use, with success. You're obviously arguing that we should always play our strongest team to increase our winning chances. That will if course happen, in the SHORT run. But here lies the predicament: By always fielding your best players, they will get tired as the hectic season takes its toll. This will increase the probability for injury. Also, more games increases the probability of freak injuries (tackles ala De Jong) and suspensions. So as the season develops, we're suddenly without BA because he's injured for two months, together with a host of other important players. Consequently we're forced to use Shola or Loven while BA is out. Because we refused to trust Loven to take care of the weaker teams (which Loven has proven he's capable of doing), BA's freak injury against QPR makes it necessary for us to to play with Loven against stronger teams like Everton, where he's amply proven that he's shit (that could be the difference between losing or winning against that opponent). Also, since we're stuck with Loven/Shola or Best the next months while BA is out, our chances for winning games during that period are reduced. Accordingly your principle could hurt us in the LONG run, hence the predicament. Also, my argument is based on my positive nature. Unlike many of you acid cunts, I actually believe that the club is going in the right direction.. Call me insane, but I like Pards and I like Mike's (despite his previous faults and administrative fuckups) transfer and youth policy. We haven't had so much promising youth in our lines for many many years, which MA deserves credit for, whether you like it or not. Because I have faith in our current squad and manager, I actually believe that Vukic or Loven is capable of stepping up when called upon and doing what's necessary to ensure our win against the shittiest teams. So unless you're accepting that above predicament could be a reality and if you're still insisting on being so fucking negative with no trust towards the current squad and manager, it's better that we agree to disagree..
  23. That's exactly what SAF is NOT doing..He's resting players when they're up against the weakest teams..Eg. Rooney. The same principle has his trainee, Solskjær, done in Molde..And Solskjær is very good at displaying trust towards his players..When he's asked questions like "you're fielding a weakened team today" he's responding that he got full confidence in the replacements..They will do the job..That of course make the squad players buckle up and run like idiots..A couple of Molde's players have taken huge steps this seasons.. That's not how I remember it. And ffs, you can't compare the Norwegian league to Premier League. In your philosophy, we should rest pretty much the whole XI, and send out our garbage subs? Yes, most of them will probably run like idiots, but that doesn't help much does it. Furthermore, assuming Newcastle finishes top 12, we should rest the likes of Ba and let's say Tiote against the 8 other teams? Jesus christ man. Go fish. Read my posts ffs..I'm not talking about resting the whole team, on or two players..maximum
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