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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. That depends on how much Enrique is sold for and Mbenge's price tag.. If we could get him and Mbenge that would make our defense quite good imo.
  2. You really hate him..don't you.. He's paid nothing. You should concentrate your hatred towards Xisco and Smith..
  3. I'm not that negative...He's born in 89, although he looks not less than 30 years old. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSkNHQGueOyl637FIjCC_XgGE4Gp2KZ6FaDKAjGjC9C_XaMf_Yk On the other hand, the wiki report about his career in France is not that impressive. In other words: he's never been a regular starter..But if he comes cheap, I have no objections. Although he should not be given a 5 year contract..
  4. I think in the Ameobi family you're good at penalties or in open play, never both. Infidel!
  5. Punk77

    Joey Barton

    Hopefully he's found out that mouthing off is not going to help him in search for a new club..Maybe he's shocked by the absence of interests..
  6. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Stop worrying, we'll be fine
  7. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Good post optimistic..
  8. Agents are proper cunts! I don't believe a word of what they say.
  9. Yeah, the other Diouf is a proper cunt, luckily Diouf jr. isn't
  10. According to the guardian it was 90%. But that was DURING (after getting rid of Owen etc) championship season and did not factor in our increased current revenues. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/mar/30/newcastle-united-loss-relegation We have trimmed some expensive flesh, but still got Xisco and Smith left. And Mav, Cabaye and Ba is on solid money too..So I don't think we're down to 50-60..Although that's purely speculation
  11. Since I'm a fan of M. Diouf's old club, Molde FK, I would love it if we signed him. He's hard working, got good technique and is incredible fast (one of the fastest in PL). And he's a nice guy too. He didn't fit into Blackburn's style of play, but hook Diof together with a CM who is capable of hitting some passes in space, no defender is able to keep up with him. He scored plenty goals that way in Molde.
  12. And twice against Bham..We forgive his mistakes, but that will not be the case with Liverpool..They have invested so much money in the team now that they need imminent results and cannot wait for players to develop. That's why I cannot understand why Henderson signed for them. Will be exiting to see how Enrique handles that pressure..
  13. Because if he's paid 80 000 a week, I expect him to deliver day in and day out, like those three players I mentioned.. And I'm not sure he's capable of that. And lord knows what will happen when Jonas is not there to help him with his defensive duties. Besides, you cannot drag CCC into the equation, Routledge ruled that league ffs.
  14. You're crazy, it's the other way around..The wages are killing us..When the club already is using 80-90 % of its turnover on wages, it's lunacy to remove the wage cap. And Shak: Enrique is not worth more than he's paid now.He's on £50 000 a week. But he still got much to learn. He's fantastic man on man, but his positioning needs improvement along with his offensive play. Enrique has now played four seasons in England, and it's only now that we're getting value for money. In fact, he was not consistent last season either. Enrique is not Baines, Evra or Cole (the latter two have played on the upper level for many seasons) but in Liverpool he'll probably get the same wages as them, which I think is wrong. Had Enrique been rock solid the majority of the time he's been with us, the case would of course have been quite different.
  15. Reckon Jonas is going to have a different season without Jonas who helps him quite a lot defensively.. Jonas without Jonas would be very interesting indeed. Enrique without Jonas then... And Skirge, you're absolutely correct..Enrique's position play has never been that great..As you say, he's best in one on one situations, probably THE best..
  16. Reckon Jonas is going to have a different season without Jonas who helps him quite a lot defensively..
  17. Tron: So if HBA and Tiote are on 50 a week, they're inferior to Carroll or Henderson? Just because Liverpool and Aston Villa are stupid enough to pay too much for shit players, doesn't mean we should. With the current economical climate, I think their economical priorities are reckless..
  18. If all our purchases flop, that may be the scenario. But I doubt that will be the case. I think we've been working on finding Barton and Enrique's replacements for some time now, so I guess we'll see some new, young and exiting faces soon..
  19. No worries..Shola will probably pick up an injury soon.. Two weeks on, three weeks off. AKA the Ameobi shift pattern He is enigmatic all right..
  20. Punk77

    Joey Barton

    Good or not good, he's still an idiot and the club made the correct decision. And I think many other clubs would have done exactly the same.
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