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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    Fabian Schär

    Absolutely dreading the day we need to replace him.
  2. Didn't celebrate cos I was certain it was getting chalked off... wasn't out but fuck knows what the rule is for handball? Very strange how it wasn't massively scrutinised either.
  3. Wilson

    Alexander Isak

    Aye... zero reason for that surely?
  4. Regardless, we weren't beaten and won't ever agree that we 'should have been comfortably beaten'.
  5. That doesn't equate to 'should have been comfortably beaten' in my book. Feel like you're doing the lads an injustice by suggesting it tbh. We were worth the point.
  6. Fuck my life. Been on here 5 minutes and wish some of our fans would fuck off and support Liverpool.
  7. We were nee where near as bad as every cunt in the world expected is to be either. We're allowed to be confident at times you know.
  8. Not great for everyone like... but i fuckin love it clocking out from the dining room at 4 and straight out with the bairn.
  9. Mate over there sent some pictures last night, didn't look good.
  10. Christ some people need to lighten up, the song's been sang for years and we're actually in Milan.... could have put money on a banner saying that. It's a small part of the craic over there, not as if we have 'fuck the mackems' on every banner. Miserable cunts fwiw I hate it when we sing it at home these days, agree that they're irrelevant but at least the banner in Milan is a decent dig at them.
  11. Wilson

    Dogawful Officiating

    Pawson is a cunt, and proper shit.
  12. Any suggestions on a lively place I could take the bairn to watch it? Debating shearers as I haven't got a clue where else I can take her, don't fancy just sitting in the hoose.
  13. Don't be daft. You silly sausage.
  14. Wouldn't have minded going to the San Siro, dunno about going sans pee though.
  15. I'm not going but my mates received his ticket and the only mention of his name is in biro on the side ? surely that's not what they check the passport against?
  16. Because they don't present a threat to the status quo... would be my cynical guess.
  17. This is what I was getting at when I said 'some people would do well to remember the quote'
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