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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. It really isn't utter bollocks but if that's your view, so be it. Each to their own.
  2. We were spoiled last season, exceptional performances all round (some massively over performing) and unfortunately it seems sections of our support expect that to be the norm now. 'we don't demand a team that wins... we demand a club that tries' Some people would do well to keep that quote in mind through our current evolution. They'll have peaks and troughs as a team and as individuals, some of the comments I've seen about Bruno (not just on here) are fuckin ridiculous to put it lightly.
  3. Fuck me that kills me everytime. Lifting.
  4. This was hilarious, we were in there and saw one bloke drinking out of those half coconut things, about 2 mins later everyone standing round sipping out of them and they'd sold out Mongozo if my memory serves.
  5. Aye, fuck him. Nacka. Edit: Leeds cunt that is, not the gaffa.
  6. Sorry mate, my mate would have them all but I'm wary of letting him take them on the off chance he gets checked and there's any repercussions for the missus/bairns memberships. Seems unlikely but their scare tactics work when it comes to the bairns chances of getting a ticket.
  7. The club can quite frankly fuck off with their approach to ticketing like. No refunds, can't give to friends/family. Bollocks. Will speak to them.
  8. Won 3 on the ballot for the missus and 2 kids but they're now unable to go... am I able to just sell back to the club?
  9. The more they're involved in the Premier league the better for us I suppose, surely it makes it less likely/harder for us to be scrutinised for every move we make?
  10. Aye, it's just bollocks really and not how it should be. In the grand scheme of applying in the ballot, it doesn't make any difference, but they still shouldn't be shit at everything regarding ticketing.
  11. click 'ballots' at the top instead of trying to select the match under 'home tickets' The site is absolutely wank.
  12. Got an email at 10:10 telling me out opened at 10am
  13. Had hopes of dortmund but don't think I'm going to be able to swing the cost. Mates are travelling from Birmingham, about 300 for flights, before adding in the return train from dusseldorf, travel to brum, digs...... then beer, just doesn't seem doable for me. Have a feeling Dortmund will be like Bruges, chocker with geordies without match tickets. I really didn't want to miss out Sickener.
  14. Ignore feature is handy... until people quote the shite like
  15. Seen/heard this take a few times tonight, rage inducing. Think I'll be having a football blackout for a bit.
  16. No shame getting beat off a good side, but we can definitely question the manner of it. We looked like a completely different team today.
  17. You're not wrong, said in the match thread we seemed strangely quiet. Hope you didn't take that post as a pop at the gaffa My worry today was that the intensity/pressing wasn't there off the ball, and the sharpness wasn't there on the ball. Frustrating as we know we're so much better than today. He's got a big job to pick them up, and it's gona be a long couple of weeks, but he'll do it.
  18. He desperately needs to pick them back up now. Shocking display mentally and physically today which I'm not used to. I can't pinpoint the issue, thought everyone with the exception of Tonali from the starting line up had a shocker today.
  19. There it is. Completely expected. Think we deserved to concede more than they deserved to score
  20. Lack of movement leaving shit or no options as well.
  21. Mentality seems shot at the minute like. No intensity off the ball and no movement, sharpness on it. So frustrating as we know we're so much better than this.
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