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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson


    Someone on here as well iirc.
  2. Wilson


    Medical emergency there at the min.
  3. Wilson

    St James' Park

    Aye, I actually drove down there from work this afternoon, absolutely crystal clear today. Not sure what he took the photo with but you can definitely see the cheviots etc. I feel fuckin stupid that I've saw the view thousands of times and never actually noticed how far you can see
  4. Aye...but the point i was making was if we're still here in the summer, we have a lot more to offer than just money.
  5. Wilson

    St James' Park

    I've worked up that way for 20 years now, always knew it was a fantastic view coming down sheriff hill on my way home but that puts a whole new perspective on it.
  6. Don't get me wrong, going against Milan for a CB is going to be hard, but I think you're selling us way short there. Come the summer if we're still in the prem I think we'll have a fairly massive pull given the project. Players will want to be on the ground floor imo.
  7. Change is difficult 'for them'? What a fuckin charlatan man. With us he couldn't change formations over night, with wba he's just fucked that off and went straight for the players. Nobody deserves this cunt, bar the mackems.
  8. Wilson

    St James' Park

    That pic has blown my mind tbh.
  9. Wilson


    I think you'll find, after a quick look on groomers, that we're already universally hated and get a lot of preferential treatment from the officials and the media alike.
  10. The way Willock played yesterday, I think he'd have had a field day getting on the end of some of Bruno's through balls.
  11. This is my thoughts, there's no need to wait for it to go tits up, just improve on what's there.
  12. Not sure that's what he's saying, he said WIllock is a different player which (going off my understanding) is correct, no? Willock plays further forward. Pretty sure I remember Bruno making sure we knew we weren't getting forward. I'd hope Bruno comes in for Shelvey, don't think that's how it'll pan out. Again, not to open this can of worms on here again, but I think he should have been starting ahead of Shelvey by now.
  13. Wilson


    Aye, it's fucking glorious.
  14. Wilson


    You misunderstood...I hadn't watched by choice Just flicked through, standard he's daft like....harmless though. Came across him at many a rave over the years.
  15. Wilson


    I haven't watched, but if he's standing with his hands in a 'praying' position whilst headbanging....then aye. He doesn't have many moves..
  16. Elanga pointing down to the Leeds fans...I like that. He'll take some satisfaction from this after the scummy cunts hit him with a coin(?).
  17. I'm like that with Leeds.
  18. That'lll do me, get that up yas you cunts.
  19. ...and I would have loved it. Was never happening like.
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