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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    Kieran Trippier

    Bollocks man. Forum gans to hyperbole after a loss like. Told myself I was done for the night in here, wish I could dee it
  2. Wilson

    Kieran Trippier

    Probably someone from the match thread. Entitled little cunt.
  3. Aye but it's the response to the poor performance that gets me... you either see it for what it is and accept it, or gan on like a spoilt bitch and whinge. I do see it as a 'poor performance' yet I have absolutely zero complaints and don't pick out negatives because in my opinion, it's fuckin unfair to criticise the team tonight.
  4. Think that's me done on here tonight or I'll be giving snappy replies all night. Far too many seem to be mentioning shit performances, looking for a scapegoat etc, etc. If you're unable to see the obvious reasons behind this result, then you're a lost cause in my opinion. Up the fuckin decimated mags, enjoy the well earned and well needed break.
  5. Case closed then...good decision to keep Ritchie for now.
  6. If he wasn't in the squad who would be in that position now?
  7. Didn't know what you meant by Ritchie over Hall.
  8. Squads decimated and those who aren't injured, are absolutely goosed. Couple of weeks break is needed. Can't fault anything so far.
  9. I'd rather Willock as Joe needs to be in the centre for me. Constantly switch as needed anyway like.
  10. Wilson

    Nile Ranger

    possibly what I'm thinking of... fizzed past the post?
  11. Wilson

    Nile Ranger

    Think the only thing I remember about him is coming close to knicking a winner in the Arsenal 4-4 late on. I may have also imagined it.
  12. Wilson

    Match Atmosphere

    I'd be happy with just 'howay howay howay' with everyone bouncing at this point, would be a canny sight.
  13. And Arsenal, not for agreeing with him, but for inflicting that disgustingly cringe statement on the world.
  14. That 'howay howay howay' will hopefully catch on in the corner....at least.
  15. fuckin hell I love that ha spine tingling stuff when everyone's bouncing
  16. Wilson

    Match Atmosphere

    Same for me now, this just popped up on my memories.... 12 year ago man I feel old.
  17. Learn what lesson? We hit the woodwork 3 times in the first game... and but for a shocking miss from Big Joe today it would be a different game completely. They're a quality team, but we haven't done bad, just fine margins.
  18. Free kick was shocking but we should have never been left with tino 1 v 2 like that either. Frustrating as fuck.
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