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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. If he doesn't have any faith in him whatsoever... what's he on the pitch for?
  2. Seems all the wet wipes have removed themselves from the thread, ready reappear next time we aren't winning after 20 minutes.
  3. *some people Not sure who people expect to replace Miggys workrate. Regardless of him having a poor game, he doesn't stop and was where he needed to be.
  4. Clearly the better team all game, not just this half, managed to break through eventually. Geet up ya cunts. Not there today as I've been ill, but would have loved to have celebrated that in there. Pure relief.
  5. Reading some of the comments in here is fuckin comical like People well off the deep end.
  6. It's fuckin mad. The same people 100% be whinging about leaving first choice players on the bench as soon as a result went against us.
  7. Players who aren't particularly ready for a start in the Premier league/champions league so they could then whinge about leaving schar/joelinton etc on the bench.
  8. Ahhh so we now need to know the future. That's that cleared up then. What a fuckin nonsense post, 'he was probably border'.... based on what?
  9. Because he's one of our first choice centre backs and was fit to start presumably.
  10. Wouldn't have thought so... we don't have that luxury.
  11. Was talking to a lad in our end at half time, Chelsea fan, full blown cockney who was working up here. What's that about? Could have got a ticket off a mate I suppose, but still.
  12. Bahhh. Howay the fuckin lads. Good attempt, we move on.
  13. Currently on me second pint of wingman, going to be a long slog this.
  14. Trips will be having nightmares aboot Son the neet.
  15. It does for me. But even then, we didn't look much, if any, worse than them. They tried to batter us when they came out and done nothing. We looked tired all game imo.
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