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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    Lewis Miley

    Switched on the tree lights at the QE with his kid apparently... not really interesting, just found out at work so thought I'd share
  2. Wilson

    Nick Pope

    I've been of the opinion that we'd be replacing Pope in the next year or so for a while. Wouldn't be too surprised if we are linked with a few in the summer now.
  3. Wilson

    Nick Pope

    That's a Sickener. I like Dubs but the way we play, he really can't stick to the line as much as he used to. Hopefully he's had plenty practice claiming crosses lately.
  4. I definitely wouldn't have been surprised if he got booked for it like.
  5. Class. Was frustrated we weren't at least one up at half time and thought it was gona be one of those days, especially after hitting the bar. Timing of final balls and nowt failing for us had me worried considering the pressure we put on them with no return. Alas, we're fuckin class, persistent, head strong and these cunts have nothing on us. Let's fuckin give it to em.
  6. Hopefully batter these cunts again. Late Saturday night kick off under the lights, carrying a sense of injustice in with us from last night, hope it's fucking rocking. Another 3 points is a big ask from the squad but no reason to believe it won't be another top class performance from whoever starts.
  7. I said exactly the same during the game as Isak was a wasted man but at the same time, I'd have been scared to mess with the system that was working
  8. It's a ridiculously tough choice, we were defending like fucking heroes and you don't really want to change the dynamic. I'm not sure it needed the change, aye they were tired but they would have held on but for a ridiculous decision imo.
  9. Bollocks. All I've got to say on the matter. I'm away for last orders.
  10. Was more the dive for me, he just kneeslided and celebrated normally I thought, can't say I was too arsed about it. Enjoyed the grief he was given regardless, looked like it definitely had and effect on him.
  11. If Tino continues to perform, he can't be dropped even if Burn's fit imo.
  12. Already watched the full game back... looking forward to watching motd 6 times in the next 24 hours. I'll probably still complain that they scored, so undeserved. What a result.
  13. Wilson

    Match Atmosphere

    Bit of a mad thing to say from Mehrdad like.
  14. Wilson

    Fabian Schär

    Being re-printed as there was jizz al our the original
  15. Some people get riled up over the strangest things.
  16. All this fume and we've done absolutely nowt wrong Hilarious.
  17. Felt fuckin much longer than that for each decision in the ground
  18. As long as he does everything to come back and be the player we hope he is, that'll do me. Learn the language, learn the system and get himself properly integrated so he can hit the ground running next time.
  19. Wilson

    Kieran Trippier

    Absolute bollocks. 'Why you'd put your kid into that'? Had my little'n down man u for the cup for her first away game and she was bouncing. Stood on her seat the whole match, singing all the way (more than the 2 blokes next to me who were silent for the entirety). We sat in the Picadilly Tavern for 2 hours beforehand having a sing etc, loved it. Nonsense post.
  20. Howe said at the start of the season that he was happy with those 2,and Gordon to cover, think Big Joe was mentioned as well. Aye the quality of striker is a massive drop off but 3rd and 4th back up options? Not bad. We'll get there.
  21. Wilson

    Kieran Trippier

    What a fuckin sausage
  22. The fuckin gilet wearing poodle walker.
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