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Everything posted by LV

  1. Where IS Seymour? Fulfilled his contract with Uncle Keith then fucked off when his job was done
  2. Yeah I’ve been wondering where Godzilla went. Doesn’t surprise me that Odin left though.
  3. Ugh, that’s awful. Glad I’m not on Facebook or twitter any more. Not good for the blood pressure.
  4. LV


    Completely understandable
  5. LV


    I mean I’m all for boycotting and forcing Ashley out via protest. But i’ll never ever ever understand this mindset. The “wanting us to fail” mindset. It’s tiresome as f***. It isn't "us" anymore man. Of course it is. No. It’s not.
  6. LV

    Sean Longstaff

    Ha. Not possible.
  7. LV

    Sean Longstaff

    ”plotting” Shall we sign Sean Longstaff? Yes ok. /plotting
  8. LV


    Are you placated by this signing KaKa? Genuine question. Do you have hope for the future under Ashley?
  9. He'd like nothing more than to rid himself of the white elephant that is the football club, but he isn't going to sacrifice the brand association that he bought in the first place. That's why he will sell for cheap [with attachments], to somebody like Kenyon. He'll use the excuse that Kenyon has the best interests of the club at heart. White elephant? It makes him an absolute fortune and has given him advertising and coverage of which he could only dream of before he bought it. I doubt anyone had even heard of Mike Ashley before he bought NUFC, now I doubt there's anyone out there who hasn't heard of him! How about you read the entire post before commenting on the first fucking sentence. So it's not a white elephant then you utterly thick and angry little bastard Get a room! She's too angry and aggressive for my liking.
  10. He'd like nothing more than to rid himself of the white elephant that is the football club, but he isn't going to sacrifice the brand association that he bought in the first place. That's why he will sell for cheap [with attachments], to somebody like Kenyon. He'll use the excuse that Kenyon has the best interests of the club at heart. White elephant? It makes him an absolute fortune and has given him advertising and coverage of which he could only dream of before he bought it. I doubt anyone had even heard of Mike Ashley before he bought NUFC, now I doubt there's anyone out there who hasn't heard of him! How about you read the entire post before commenting on the first fucking sentence. So it's not a white elephant then you utterly thick and angry little bastard Get a room!
  11. He’s a fucking disease this guy. Hopefully it’s not terminal but it’s not looking good.
  12. LV


    clearly the chief scout is kinda acting as one since this transfer seems one he really wanted to get through. DOF would look to build a squad and depth, we have none of that. Exactly. The only thing his model is looking to build is profit for Mike alongside exposure for his brand. That’s it.
  13. How old are you and are you disabled? Well the bit between his ears isn't working. Little bit harsh like, My ticket rolling renews and I only haven’t cancelled it at the hope we may get taken over by the end of the season, I will boycott till then Good man tgarve
  14. Paully is clearly a canny lad but I’m sure even he knows that Newcastle United in its current state is a pointless entity, that we are not trying to compete and that going to matches is just enabling the continuation of Ashley’s parasitic reign. If we want rid of him (Ashley that is, not Paully) then we essentially have to do something different and that is boycott. The only other option is to continue going to matches and hope Ashley goes anyway but essentially do nothing. He’s been here 12 years and I think we can all see that the second option hasn’t worked. To carry on doing that and expect a different outcome is insanity. To carry on doing that is accepting that Ashley is here to stay and Newcastle United as a sporting entity doesn’t exist and being happy with that. I for one cannot accept that second outcome. This club has given me so much joy over the years and I can’t stand to see it languish in this drone state as the host for Ashley while he eats it away from the inside.
  15. A pretty damn relentless one though in the teeth off overwhelming derision and disagreement from his fellow humans. Takes a special type of character to carry on with his s**** in the face of that. It’s either shill or dipshit, one or the other. Its not just here though, this Seymour is just the latest example. There's people with multiple user names occupy these places in support of Ashley. If they're not paid for that amount of effort and time, they are disturbingly sad (so on second thoughts, could be a mackem). Not so much this guy, but there's one that posts almost as if he wants to get caught its that stupid, replete with anti-Shearer anti-Rafa, pro Ashley comments. Where’s that?
  16. https://twitter.com/4LoveRenovation/status/1153355506863529986 Just in case anyone is unsure as to whether there are any dodgy goings on with ‘fan’ ‘opinions’
  17. I think I might know who he is, from toontastic..... Who?
  18. A pretty damn relentless one though in the teeth off overwhelming derision and disagreement from his fellow humans. Takes a special type of character to carry on with his shite in the face of that. It’s either shill or dipshit, one or the other.
  19. From the effort put in, it sure seems that way. Mike must be nervous.
  20. Have they never spoken to a season ticket holder before like? Why not go to the ground on match day and say the things that's been said to me to the 45k+ that are attending? Cos yees are too thick to understand. Why not give it a go like? All 45k + of them wrong and should be all ashamed of themselves shouldn't they? Theyre just as bad as Mike Ashley aren't they? Yep. All complicit with Ashley and de facto Ashley apologists. 100% right.
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