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Everything posted by LV

  1. LV

    Mike Ashley

    This lot are screwed now. Welcome to hell.
  2. Wonderful. Strong work.
  3. We've played a lot of 'on the back foot, defensive football' dressed up as the 'front-foot, attacking football' that Pardew wants us to believe we play.
  4. He's also been taking full credit for Obertan saying he's been working to build his confidence in pre-season. I loathe this self-promoting scumbag.
  5. Search for their names on google and you'll find a clip. Just seen it. It was even more bizarre than I imagined. Proper pushes/throws Stone to the ground, face contorted with what looks like rage. Then just walks off without looking back. This guy has got some issues.
  6. LV

    Kieron Dyer

    Was a good watch. Clearly does not like Shearer.
  7. LV

    Mike Ashley

    Neil Ashton wrote that article. Works for Sky as well as Daily Mail. Blatant propaganda.
  8. .... by the FA as they confirm our relegation to League One. Pards'll fix it though! 'We'll be back in the a Premier League where we belong within 10 years' said Williamson, the 38 year old veteran Newcastle captain.
  9. LV

    Papiss Cissé

    You would like to think Sky would have picked up on that like, thought "this interview makes no sense at all" and just binned the quotes. But no, straight to the front page with "Cisse says protests are damaging Newcastle." Awesome journalism. Keith Bishop spending his PR budget well.
  10. LV

    Mike Ashley

    And also turning up at pretty much every match recently isn't a generally accepted sign of someone who is not bothered.
  11. LV

    Mike Ashley

    That's basically it. I've been thinking about this a lot over this last weekend and while I support the sack pardew stuff the only way to change this whole situation is for people to stop going. I realise this won't happen due to imbeciles who won't have anything said against the club, but it is the only way. Ashley is absolutely taking the p*ss. He knows exactly what he's doing - getting free worldwide advertising and some extra pocket money. He'll not do anything about Pardew unless he threatens this, so he'll be going no-where soon. I don't think Ashley will be happy with 17th, but it still won't get Pardew the sack. Ashley is still getting his advertising and money. That leaves two choices for me as your average (slightly rebellious supporter); just accept this s*** and support the team or just stop supporting altogether and get on with my life. I realise the second option is easier for me, over here in Australia, but that's what I need to do as I barely even recognise my club any more. I might actually just take a break from football altogether. Watching another incident of a player dragging his leg onto an outstretched boot and getting a pen (Hazard, Che v Ars last night), and listening to commentators justify it and talk about 'simulations'......it's just pisses me off, the whole thing. Something I used to love now makes me unhappy. Maybe it's my age or something, I dunno, but I've just had enough. I know that feel bro. It's not your age mate, it's this turgid fare we're getting served up to watch and alongside this our club is being dismantled before our eyes. It's no wonder you don't want to watch! If we were playing decent football and looked like we wanted to challenge for something then no doubt you'd be as enthusiastic as ever i'd guess. That's how I am at least.
  12. LV

    Mike Ashley

    Or another explanation is they are actively taking the piss out of us and purposefully ruining our club while making money from it with free advertising for his tat emporium. When the time is right he'll ditch us, leaving us in a much diminished state. Job done.
  13. Totally seconded. I miss the other one who talks about Pardew face pony (Ben Ben Arfa?) and want him to come back too.
  14. Hang on, so you are basing your argument on one full game on the bench for Hull means Ben Arfa has fallen out of favour with Bruce? Are you serious? bruce have hba 15/9 and it's un fit now he is sub 2 games and gaston ramirez If hba not play in november why not you says pardew have right I'm not sure what you are saying Hbarecall mon frere but I'm sure you are right.
  15. Hang on, so you are basing your argument on one full game on the bench for Hull means Ben Arfa has fallen out of favour with Bruce? Are you serious?
  16. It's just so obvious though. Any decent result he gets is always down to some individual talent or brilliance and not his tactics.
  17. LV

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    Has the hint of the Emnes about him.
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