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Jack Flash

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Everything posted by Jack Flash

  1. Reading that made me think of the Golfmag saga. I cant find the Golfmag quotes but this is what I was thinking of... http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,38850.msg2942579.html#msg2942579
  2. "A Newcastle FC insider made an interesting claim to us. The story goes that while manager Alan Pardew draws a relatively low basic salary, he stands to earn much bigger amounts in bonuses based around the profit he makes for the club on player sales. Which would have made Andy Carroll's 35m transfer rather good business. And Jose Enrique's imminent transfer to Man Utd or Liverpool more likely than the "fantastic new contract" said to be on offer." From PopBitch Thoughts?
  3. Depends what his full value would be otherwise, surely? And the probably bidding war adding a few million.
  4. "Is Cabaye with you?" "He's with me, he's looking forward to play for NUFC, I told him that he will be really surprised of the great atmosphere."
  5. He's a perfectly average player and a seemingly nice person but the more people post his twitter stuff on here the more I want his fingers to drop off.
  6. “I think his record will be better, but he isn’t going to change,” Pardew said. “We’re all going to be exasperated at some point, when he gets a booking or smashes into someone. “But we’ll all probably smile about it, because that’s him and I wouldn’t want to change that. and “Cheik’s tackling is usually well-timed but he is aggressive and he just needs to tone that down a little bit,” he said. "I will look at all the bookings through the summer with him, all 14, and make him understand four or five definitely shouldn’t be happening.”
  7. 1 month ago he basically said the opposite of that.
  8. There's a lot of people saying he'll take them straight back up but I'm not so sure. I don't think his tactics would win a league. They're decent "underdog" tactics which work in the lower half of the PL but now he needs to go on the offensive and win matches and, as we found out, he's not so great at that. Would be a nice ego deflater if they stayed down next year.
  9. Negative Dave strikes again.
  10. Jack Flash

    Joey Barton

    Either way he has said he has been offered contracts and now he says he hasn't. Little room for conjecture there.
  11. Huddersfield finished 8 points ahead of Peterborough. Playoffs are stupid.
  12. Jack Flash

    Joey Barton

    Barton is really deluded about how much leverage he has. He's unlikely to get what he wants because in his time here he probably doesn't deserve it.
  13. Jack Flash

    Joey Barton

    They want to replace Barton with a "younger, better and cheaper" player. Don't we all?
  14. Jack Flash

    Joey Barton

    He has said a few times at those talk-ins that he has been offered (at least) 2 new contracts.
  15. Aside from computer games, this part is probably true.
  16. http://i51.tinypic.com/wan7kp.jpg
  17. No, your posts just have foam around the edges. And an obscene amount of full stops. Ever heard of ellipsis? Yes... Looks really stupid when used multiple times in 1 short post though... See...
  18. No, your posts just have foam around the edges. And an obscene amount of full stops.
  19. Or give him a new 6 and a half year contract?
  20. Jack Flash


    Joey7Barton Joseph Barton @EamonnHolmes granted mistakes were made but "eating your own children" a tad too far. People in glass houses Mr Holmes? Eamonn Holmes is such a mess. The very definition of a glory supporter.
  21. http://i56.tinypic.com/13zwrwh.jpg ?
  22. Wonder if we'll offer him a pay cut? Do you have a fetish for negativity?
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