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Jack Flash

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Everything posted by Jack Flash

  1. Jack Flash

    Season Tickets

    No the club will not be issuing new season cards for the 2011-12 season. If you're an existing season ticket holder please retain your season card after the West Brom match on 22 May as you will not receive a new card. The only existing season ticket holders that will receive a new season card are those that have moved seat or changed age category, from an adult to a senior citizen for example. New season cards will be sent out in late July. All new season ticket holders will of course receive a season card for the new season.
  2. That should be the only real criteria used. If he was banging in goals you can guarantee everyone's moral standards would suddenly nosedive. Andy Carroll springs to mind.
  3. Jack Flash

    Season Tickets

    Hopefully I'll end up in the East Stand for the next 10 years for £558 a season.
  4. Interesting remarks about Lua Lua in that report. That's the first I've heard of his "attitude problems".
  5. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    You don't think the players are good enough despite claiming we've only had 4 bad games in 22. What on earth are you going on about now? As i've already said, twice, Pardew's got the best out of his players. Blame the players for the bad games, praise Pardew for the good games. Now I get it. I never even mentioned the good ones. So you're actually saying Pardew got the best out of his players against, for example, Stoke and Villa? That would be up there with your "Pardew speaks the truth most times" nonsense. Is this you hobby, putting words in my mouth? Just give up, man. You're a confused and biased little boy who can't wait for Pardew to fail. We get it. It never fails to amuse me when you resort to childish digs
  6. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    You don't think the players are good enough despite claiming we've only had 4 bad games in 22. What on earth are you going on about now? As i've already said, twice, Pardew's got the best out of his players. Blame the players for the bad games, praise Pardew for the good games. Now I get it. I never even mentioned the good ones. So you're actually saying Pardew got the best out of his players against, for example, Stoke and Villa? That would be up there with your "Pardew speaks the truth most times" nonsense.
  7. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    You don't think the players are good enough despite claiming we've only had 4 bad games in 22. What on earth are you going on about now? As i've already said, twice, Pardew's got the best out of his players. Blame the players for the bad games, praise Pardew for the good games. Now I get it.
  8. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    How many bad results have we actually got under Pardew? Can't think of many. Liverpool, Blackpool, Villa, Stoke, Everton, Bolton (maybe), Blackburn, Fulham and Stevenage for one reason or another could be classed as bad/disappointing results. On the flipside, we've had roughly the same amount of good results/performances. If we had won all those we would only be a point behind Arsenal. I'm not saying we should win every game. Since Pardew took over the best run we've had is 2 wins in a row (against 2 soon to be relegated teams). If we are to kick on next season he'll need to use his computer science magic stuff to get us more than 2 wins in a row.
  9. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    I don't want to admit the players have played really well at times despite saying so a few times. You don't think the players are good enough despite claiming we've only had 4 bad games in 22. Ok.
  10. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    Blaming them for what? Pardew's got the best out of them, and you just don't want to admit it. Miss the second line of my post?
  11. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    Villa were at their lowest point for years when we GAVE them 3 points. The performance against Fulham was more painful than the score in all honesty.
  12. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    We always lose at Stamford Bridge yet we drew with Chelsea with a far worse team than the one who played Liverpool. The players at our disposal have picked up plenty of good results (against much better teams than Blackpool and Blackburn) so you can't blame them as much as you'd like.
  13. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    How many bad results have we actually got under Pardew? Can't think of many. Liverpool, Blackpool, Villa, Stoke, Everton, Bolton (maybe), Blackburn, Fulham and Stevenage for one reason or another could be classed as bad/disappointing results. On the flipside, we've had roughly the same amount of good results/performances.
  14. Jack Flash

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew's consistency worries me slightly. He's basically doing what Hughton did by getting a good result then getting a bad result. This is something he needs to address next season or we'll go no further than we are now.
  15. Falcao to score 2 or more - 13/2 And a few potential money makers... Porto 4-1 - 25/1 Porto 5-1 - 66/1 Porto 6-1 - 150/1
  16. Hope we put a strong team out. As much as I'd like to see our young players I'd rather we destroyed WBA more.
  17. I'll ignore the possible sarcasm and agree with most of this. While Ranger doesn't look ready for this league and could do with being loaned out, Ferguson does look close to being ready and we should keep him for the bench next year and give him some decent time on the pitch. He's surprisingly exciting when he gets the ball. He plays/looks like a kid in the school yard.
  18. Last match standing up for a long time. The atmosphere just isn't the same when everyone is sitting down. Thrilled at the lack of stairs next season however.
  19. Tiote's performance in that game was the best I'd seen anyone play for us in years. Unluckily for him Ben Arfa got the headlines.
  20. In brief - unbelievable highs and believable lows. More positives than negatives and a solid footing to build on for next year. It has probably been the most entertaining season for nearly 10 years imo. Briefly fell back in love with the club in a way I hadn't since I was a kid As ever, I hope we're as unpredictable next year. Really, really love not knowing what's around the corner. Bollocks to "stability". (Special mention for Tiote's goal. Something I will never, ever forget)
  21. How? They backed him and he just wasn't good enough.
  22. Huh? Surely if he doesn't guarantee anything, then he's still not really saying whether he'd like to stay or leave? I honestly don't think he's made his mind up either way himself. I really do think we have more than a chance of keeping him. What we have to do to do so is a different debate, but the possibility has always been there IMO. He could say "I'd like to stay under the right circumstances" or something similar. At least then we'd know if he's interested in staying or if he is off, regardless of what contract we offer. If he isn't telling us anything then I hope he's at least giving some indication to Pardew in the next few weeks.
  23. I'm getting rather pissed off by all this now. There are many ways to tell us he'd either like to leave or he'd like to stay without actually guaranteeing anything. I'd actually have more respect for him if he actually said he'd like to leave instead of saying nothing and then just leaving next month.
  24. 2 Ameobi's on the pitch. 2 seconds later we concede. The end is here.
  25. It's just strange that you'd single that quote out for special agreement when it's one of the most obvious things he could say. I'm probably missing the ultra-negative undercurrent though
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