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Everything posted by worthy

  1. The problem here is that they dont fucking speak. So Dubs thinks that he is clearing cause he is going for it, then he fucking decides to juke and not go for it. Its all on Clark with his dummy move that fakes Dubs out.
  2. How fucking stupid can you be to select clark after his shit show. STOP IT YOU FUCKING IDIOT
  3. Clark playing, Clark doing dumb shit. Fuck off man. I will fucking chuck you in the fucking river if i see you you fucking sack of shit.
  4. worthy


    By far. I was Joelintons biggest critic, but I cant fault his game in his CM/Defensive Winger role. He has been something else. His offensive game isnt strong but he has been utterly fantastic defending.
  5. worthy

    Dogawful Officiating

    Whats fucking scary is when I see the decisions made in this game and to a degree the other games it makes me fucking believe the conspiracy about refs against us. Cause its fucking absurde how many shit calls we get against each other, and what the fucking hell was that bodyblock by him at the end? Why the fuck would you run in the sightline of the shot, there was no fucking reason to move over at fucking all.
  6. With what we have I would love Howe to try to go for a 4-3-2-1. If we keep on using ASM on the left, stick Joelinton on the left mid to help out with his defensive incapability and we will also have the pleasure of being able to overload the opponents midfield rather than having Shelvey and Willock try to run any midfield, cause that is just not a match that is working at all.
  7. Misused player. He has a very valuable toolset and it shows again and again, but sadly his end product is not up to par, though as many has stated, under Rafa we saw what sorta player he could be with the correct role and instructions. Still hope to see Howe realize this and use him in the middle.
  8. worthy


    Try him as a box to box with more focus on the defending, cause I don't think he will lose nearly as many duels as Willock does at the moment and the Shelvey Willock thing is horrible
  9. I think a lot of the problem for ASM is that he either wants or feels like he has to solve the attacking plays by himself. And honestly, I don't blame him for that, when you see the finishing we apply when it's given from our players, well then might as well go for it. Problem is though, his defensive ability is at best as good as Ritchie, and that is a major problem in a side like ours. So if I'm honest i would rather play him in a 10 or shadow striker and let him have some free role and then have a trio behind him that does not have Shelvey and Willock in it, now, we are quite clearly not spoilt for choices but at this point we might as well just try what we can try, cause having him on the wing when they go that route is rough. But honestly, he is still one of the only hopes we have right now.
  10. 6 players in minimum to have a chance in hell to actually survive this. Question is who would be brave/stupid/crazy enough to come to circus Newcastle as we are now? It's not looking too hot for survival and if we do it's going to be right at the curtain fall for us, cause what we have now are not up to the task at all and it's not getting any better. The Leicester team was there for the taking, they were horrible until the dive from Maddison, but no protests no nothing shows to me that there is no fight or will in this so called team of football players. And if they are mentally signed out for defeat and relegation, well then that's 100% what we will get.
  11. Nothing in this team works, its a dark comedy
  12. I feel like our "defenders" dont understand football at all. Truly amazing.
  13. ASM should have dived on to the foot before shooting, any contact is pen after all
  14. Fuck it, our players should just go down at any point they can when we cross it in. cause seemingly you can just dive on to legs and get pens.
  15. Why the fuck do people get pens for DIVING before hitting the leg and running in to it on purpose, that is the worst fucking call ive ever seen. Football is such a fucking shit sport
  16. Same, I was extremely critical but today it was truly on point. Hopefully he told Jones to shut his mouth about the players in the club
  17. worthy


    Insane shift defensivly, well done Big Joe, Howe has find the perfect use for you as a defensive winger.
  18. what the fuck kind of marking was that shit
  19. It's because he literally has no speed.
  20. and left another one free and only got half way cause he is slow as shit. I cannot wait to get a real BBM/DM
  21. problem is also after when Shelvey decides to fuck off in to the middle of nowhere and leave pukki to just do whatever he wants
  22. Its more that im fucking pissed that me, a half fat cunt watching football on TV can see the problems Darlow, Clark, Ritchie, Krafth have brought. Why keep using these tossers and not try what the shitty bruce didnt and go with Lewis Fernandez and Schar. As bad as Norwich was, Lewis actually did much better than Ritchie has done in lwb forever. Manq should never have been dropped and definitely not replaced by Krafth. Clark has been over the hill for so long now and is the most error prone CB. I want the fucking club to do well, selecting the dross that we all have complained about is the opposite of having a fresh start, it is keeping the Bruce dogshit still going.
  23. Three? Me and several others have said time and time and time and time etc again that Ritchie should never ever stay on as LWB and why Manq was dropped when he was doing well is also baffeling. Choosing to go with Darlow when Dubs had a great game with his National team is super questionable as well. Did you even see how far Ritchie manage to stretch the offside trap to put people onside this year? You clearly dont even watch our games.
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