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Everything posted by worthy

  1. So his team selection has been shit then aye?
  2. Yeah you think 3 goals given away from Ritchie at LWB wasnt enough, and the most error prone CB in PL in Clark should kept on starting?
  3. Its hard to keep faith when he has kept on fucking selecting Ritchie, Krafht and fucking Clark
  4. Also why the fuck did Shelvey fuck off from Pukki there?! what the fuck
  5. FA has for sure instructed refs to give us fuck all, where the fuck is var?!
  6. fuck off you are less than dogshit, just leave the club.
  7. Imagine that we have shouted about getting them in forever instead of his shit mate Ritchie and god knows why he wanted another midfielder wing on the right side whilst keeping the slowest and shittiest CB by far we have that now showed how fucking STUPID he is at all times. So how come such a progressive manager as Howe couldnt see it?
  8. Is it not true? How many errors does Ritchie and Clark have between them now?
  9. Also again fuck you Clark, never show your shit face ever again you cunt
  10. Maybe you fucking can see how thick youve been selecting fucking shitters like Ritchie, Krafht, Clark and all sorta shit now Howe?! Fucking hell Lewis and Manq make me feel safer than in a while. And Lewis has actually been doing his job 200000 times better than Ritchie could fucking dream of
  12. Clark can fucking jump in the river and drown you fucking sack of shit, I fucking despise you. Fuck off out of the city and never show your fucking shit face again you disgusting fucking cunt
  13. The problem is though, he gets rinsed fucking time in and time out, costs us goals like crazy, our defense is by far the worst aspect so it makes no goddamn sense that someone getting payed to be a manager just lets him carry on, cost us a goal today, cost us a goal against brentford. I mean what does Howe see as worthwhile to stick with when most teams just target him and get free chances?
  14. If the job of Ritchie is stretch the offside trap so it doesn't work and gifting goals, I worry about Howes plan
  15. As long as Ritchie keeps starting as a lwb, his selection is always wrong imo. I just can't understand what Lewis and Manq have done to not be even near the squad
  16. Ritchie just can't start anymore. He is the worst defender on the planet. The goal where he wasn't even remotely close to being on the offside trap was shocking
  17. Again with the immobile fucking shit cm pairing of Willock and Shelvey too, not doing us any favors
  18. Fuck Ritchie, what an ultra fucking shit player. How the fuck can Lewis be worse than that Scottish cunt. He is so fucking bad
  19. Well thats easy when you see how many back and sideways passes he played. You can try to make him look good all you want, but he is in fact a terrible CM, cause he literally does no work that is needed, especially when we are screaming for a DM and a BBM to actually control the midfield. Our midfield was overrun time and time again as they couldnt keep up with the transitionplay at all.
  20. Good game? His midfield presence is so dogshit, what is he doing? 2/10 hollywood passing and no tracking, terrible tackler, ultra slow. he is a by far the worst type of CM to have in a team like this. We need more mobility and protection for our shit defense.
  21. Darlow letting in 3 cheap goals and almost giving them two more, and Ritchie not capable of defending if it is for his fucking life. Shelvey being ultra immobile fucking our midfield. Get rid and we have a bigger chance of getting the points needed.
  22. That should have been 4-3, terrible, terrible decision from Joe.
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