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Everything posted by Klaus

  1. Merino wasn't settled here the first time, for whatever reason. Highly doubt he would return tbh, though he was clearly a very talented CM
  2. Have we had any kind of explanation about why it was disallowed? We shouldn't just accept it, because we just happened to win in the final minutes.
  3. Didn't someone on there years ago, say they would rather have Turner (I think) to Carles Puyol?
  4. I know we won in the end, but the officials want putting through the wringer for that offside call
  5. Isak is some player like. World class
  6. We need to win this man. Another shitty draw when we should be winning comfortably
  7. Fair to say, Anderson is a very raw talent
  8. That was a quality cross from Willockinho by the way.
  9. Forest are just a team of championship thugs.
  10. It's going to be one of those games isn't it
  11. I actually despise Yates. He is like anti football
  12. Klaus

    Alexander Isak

    Did he play as a lone striker in Spain? I still think he would be better suited to playing off an old fashioned number 9. His drifting across the front and link up play is class.
  13. Bigger picture. In the coming seasons, we will score from those chances today which we didn't take. Instead of grinding out a 2-1, today should have been much more comfortable.
  14. Is JWP actually a good player, or is he just excellent at free kicks?
  15. 'the usual morgue-like atmosphere hardly inspiring Pep & Co.' Shots fired from .com
  16. Klaus

    Jamaal Lascelles

    We all knew his strengths and weaknesses. He is a good leader/strong/good for set penis, but on the other is clumsy and lacks confidence on the ball. Glad to hear he had a good game, considering the opposition.
  17. He's past it now. All those injuries plus COVID have fucked him.
  18. Almiron has maybe been good for 6 months of his 4 years (?) here. Not good enough
  19. My thinking as well. We will need some kind of outlet, to aim for. Wilson is suited to that role, whereas Isak is not that type of forward.
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