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Everything posted by Klaus

  1. sure it will be jumping at the Harbour inn
  2. This was only their second biggest match if the weekend, so they won't be too downhearted
  3. Forum might well peak over this weekend
  4. Walking round Tynemouth now, haven't seen the red MAGA hat/Q t-shirt yet
  5. Do you not wish to observe their Man U flag display on SS at midday tomorrow?
  6. Have Man U not always had teams of detestable cunts?
  7. All the way to pens with eventual defeat
  8. Can't stand them tbh. Down with good people!
  9. I honestly do not blame the lad at all for choosing PSG over us at the time like
  10. He doesn't need to have an outstanding game. Just needs to keep things simple and avoid basic errors.
  11. We probably stand a better chance of winning if the game is tighter and more cagey. If the game is open like against Liverpool, considering the form Man U are in, we could get hammered. This is why I am uncertain about ASM starting, as we will need the off ball discipline, and rigid formation. Not an easy decision to make mind, considering he played so well.
  12. They have a big game next Sunday, can't be giving any red cards out
  13. Could have been a career ending injury if he didn't pull out.
  14. Like our defending for Liverpool's first yesterday
  15. Klaus

    Nick Pope

    Nah. For me he slipped/mistimed the header, and used his arm to stop the ball out of instinct after making the initial mistake.
  16. Could become a Toon legend in 1 competitive game
  17. The effort has been superb. Under Bruce this would have been 0-6 with us having no shots on goal.
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