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Dandy Man

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Everything posted by Dandy Man

  1. Dandy Man

    LOL at Lolro

    Nice to have something uncontentious after the Calvert-Lewin thread anyway
  2. Dandy Man

    LOL at Lolro

    Martin Dillon and Gordon Thomas book worth a read on this topic. Maxwell clearly had some sort of relationship with Mossad and based on some of the historical Mossad operations (that are in the public domain) it isn't totally ridiculous to suggest the possibility imo. Obviously these type of viewpoints all get jumbled together and tarred with the crackpot conspiracy brush and Lawro hardly the best advocate for anything.
  3. Dandy Man

    Yankuba Minteh

    Not sure I'd be over the moon if we were paying 30 mill for him off the back of last season with Feyenoord, Gakpo wasn't much more than that was he?
  4. Dominic Solanke in by the end of the week so
  5. Given the position they are both in, the managers should just toss a coin and loser has to let the other team score
  6. Dandy Man

    Players in public

    Alex Murphy at an agricultural show near Galway today
  7. Aye, we hobbled Burnley a bit and got a quick fix that helped keep us up for all he was far from exhilarating and somehow managed to recoup a lot of what we paid, and he's somehow continued to score goals in the PL since Yeah, fair enough and was probably one that I thought was least risk given how his loan went
  8. Have we actually made a definitively bad signing since the takeover? Genuine question (sort of)
  9. Think Kilman is very good and probably a bit underrated but definitely another one that fits into the unsexy category
  10. Minteh could be the next big thing and become a superstar but he could also be at a point where his stock is as high as it is ever likely to be and we are cashing in on a player who is as of yet unproven at the top level and bringing in a PL proven goalscorer that we believe we can improve/get back on track while also giving ourselves PSR headroom. It's all balancing probabilities and expected value, I have very little insight on it and it could go either way but I can see the logic, even if it's fairly uninspiring stuff.
  11. It's not particularly exciting business on paper but then the likes of Burn, Gordon and to some extent Pope weren't exactly blood pumpers either so will await the proof of the pudding
  12. Serbia need to do something to win this so I fully expect them to continue to play negatively, achieve bugger all and then throw a bit of strop
  13. Lee Dixon mistakenly referring to the Serbians as "the Bosnians", should go down well in Sarajevo
  14. Fergie managed Scotland in 1986 World Cup while still technically Aberdeen manager. Fatih Terim did Galatasaray and Turkey as well I think. Probably a few others from further back too
  15. Yeah publicly stating that your manager is persona non grata before then spending several weeks failing to find a replacement and then backing the previously unwanted manager is actually a perfectly normal and stabilising thing to do
  16. The Curb Your Enthusiasm theme just started playing in my head there
  17. Can't really see Sancho fitting into our system to be honest, for all he's obviously much better than shown at Manure
  18. There was definitely at least an equivalent amount of suspicious activity with some of the bookings Xhaka got at Arsenal and nothing has come of that (yet)
  19. Dandy Man

    Lloyd Kelly

    Feel like this lad could be the best footballer there has ever been with the first name Lloyd
  20. This is one of my biggest gripes with VAR, it's basically inherently flawed in this respect as it's only applied retroactively after a goal and you can't go reviewing every potentially incorrect decision or soft free kick that gets given that might have prevented a team from otherwise scoring.
  21. We were obviously totally knackered and individual errors cost us badly, but I thought Everton played us relatively well by playing the game on their terms and forcing most our play through the middle of the park and they deserved the win tbf. Nevertheless, if we'd taken some of the chances at 0-0 we would've likely come away with something. It's annoying to capitulate in that manner but we have a crunch Champions League game against AC Milan in the week and you'd have been put in an asylum for thinking such things were possible little over two years ago so I can't be too annoyed either.
  22. https://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2023/1130/1419434-bruce-ireland-job-would-interest-me/ Please god no, can we not just be shite in peace
  23. Imagining Mitro's levels of fitness after a few months living the semi retired life in Saudi and then catapulting him in to Eddie Howe's peak physical condition regimen, maybe I'm a pessimist but not sure it would work out well tbh
  24. Unsurprisingly, a fairly significant proportion of Arsenal fans are doubling/trebling/quadrupling down on this being a disgrace. VAR and refs in general are on a hiding to nothing these days tbf, fans of nearly every club seem to believe there is some coordinated conspiracy against them any time a decision that is not 100% conclusive does not go in their favour, the players of nearly all teams are increasingly proficient in methods for conning refs and/or influencing decisions and then you get endless gaslighting and moaning from the same managers who have actively encouraged their players to deceive referees.
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