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Dandy Man

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Everything posted by Dandy Man

  1. One made out of shipping containers is going to be shipped out to Uruguay and reassembled if they get the joint bid for 2030
  2. Keeper had dived out of the way before Messi had even lifted his foot to strike it
  3. Peter Walton agrees with the decision, could not have seen that coming
  4. I mean yeah that's obviously the logical conclusion but this is not really a logical World Cup and I can honestly see it happening, they're going to be best acclimatised to conditions and are pretty much guaranteed sympathetic referees
  5. I have a sneaking suspicion that circumstance will conspire for Qatar to somehow qualify from their group to be honest, hope I'm wrong and would prefer to see them get hammered by Ecuador now but Ecuador don't really do hammerings
  6. For the Trippier one, I think there was negligible money involved anyway, according to reports at the time one of biggest bets was one of his friends who had 300 on at 4/11 so little over 100 profit, bookies will only lay small bets in these markets for obvious reasons.
  7. Trippier had supposedly sent messages telling his mates that he was going to Atletico and they could "lump on". Whether or not he should have faced any sanction is debatable but it is inside information that was clearly provable in via messages so it is probably fair enough. Still think it's only the careless/stupid that get pulled up on these things and any player who even makes half an effort to not get caught won't get caught - unless it is actual fixing and there is a ton of money going down in obscure markets that would obviously raise some red flags (proving any direct connection would be another matter though).
  8. Think it was Le Tissier who subsequently admitted to attempting something like that. Merson just bet on everything.
  9. Given how many footballers gamble and how prominent football is as a betting product, should gambling firms restrict a customers access to football betting products if the customer is known to be a professional footballer? Obviously can still just bet via an intermediary but given the effort firms now put into monitoring and verifying customers identities it seems like would be fairly easy to do.
  10. Is there any actual proof he has bet on matches involving himself (and on himself to get a red card) - other than coincidence of dates? I assumed he was casually punting on football, if a player really wanted to get into spot fixing for profit then it would not be too hard to cover your tracks with just minimal effort.
  11. Probably more of a self confidence thing but still needing a translator after 3 years in MLS and 3 years here is slightly mad
  12. Take it. Not sure when I last watched a league cup draw to be honest.
  13. Always said Emery was the man we needed to organise us defensively
  14. Emery switching up the left back in reply to going behind, Pards approves
  15. Was not a totally serious comment and I do agree in general, the whole situation felt bit absurd though - was 100% confident he was going to score when he stepped up and then that happened - but shit happens. I am just thankful it wasn't ASM that did it to be honest, would have been crucified.
  16. We are favourites to win the match and according to the betting odds we are more likely then Chelsea to finish in the top 4, hard to believe but this is where we are, still don't feel confident mind
  17. If you're going to do something overplayed and non standard then you've got to be successful, these are the rules
  18. According to the stats he only ever took one for Lyon (which he scored) and having checked the Youtube video for the match he also did a similar stutter run up, not sure why I checked this but hopefully it helps
  19. Just hindsight and perspective for me, it was objectively ridiculous/farcical and therefore funny despite going against what I wanted to happen
  20. Giving himself the massive run up then the exaggerated lateral movement to change the angle then the ridiculously overplayed stutter then putting it over the bar from the second it left his boot, you couldn't make it more absurd if you tried. I thought it was funny at the time and I think it's very funny now it doesnt matter, it is possible to find humour in undesirable situations (speaking from considerable personal experience).
  21. Oh well, hopefully Liverpool can get Man City in next round
  22. Derby keeper a mile off line lol
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