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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Chronicle reporting we're possibly looking at Patrick Roberts on loan from City. Absolutely bossed it for Celtic last season, not sure how well he'd do in the PL.
  2. Think he might choose AC Milan over us for some daft reason.
  3. Absolute silence at the moment, not even any substantial links. Wouldn't even be surprised if there were no new faces in before Spurs
  4. Even if it was just a loan deal, would definitely be worth it.
  5. Thank the lord he's not coming here
  6. Definitely worth watching Nice next year if the deal does go through.
  7. Ryan will be jizzing himself. Doubt there's much in this, though. Just seen this. Not even sure how he'd do in England, he plays the game at his own speed and pretty much just controls the game how he sees fit. I don't know it he's the sort of no.10 that we need if we are sticking to a similar shape to last year. Las Palmas would be fucked if he does leave though so possibly better for both parties he just stays where he is.
  8. If Milan get Bonucci and Belotti I'll be sticking some money on them winning Serie A next year for sure.
  9. Didn't realise the history around it.
  10. Why the white oval around the badge on the home one? Would look so much better without it.
  11. Getting Assombalonga for £14m too.
  12. Reckon the away kit would look better without those sleeve details, they look naff.
  13. Wew. What a window they're having.
  14. Reassuring words at last.
  15. Is the league just carrying over from last season? If so, I was in last season so gather it just carries over and I don't need to join again?
  16. Prices seem mental this year. Reflecting real life?
  17. Or we could try negotiating a realistic price. We offered £8m, they want £16m. Somewhere in the middle would probably get the player. If we were serious. Pretty sure we'd be able to get him for £10-£13m. Is that our problem though? A club potentially names a price a deal will get done at. Despite there being the most money there has ever in the PL and at the risk of our world class manager being extremely unhappy we'd rather f*** about for the sake of 3/4 million to get the "best deal". We p*ss about and get no one Aye. Our problem is the slowness in which we operate. If Norwich have said they want £16m, we should be straight back in there with a £10-13m offer. If that gets rejected too, then I'd probably go and pay the £16m but we seem to drag it out over days/weeks.
  18. Or we could try negotiating a realistic price. We offered £8m, they want £16m. Somewhere in the middle would probably get the player. If we were serious. Pretty sure we'd be able to get him for £10-£13m.
  19. He'd improve us massively but CB seems our best stocked position at the moment edit - Zouma
  20. Charnley is a proper whopper like.
  21. These announcements are getting worse
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