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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. De Jong was never all that but stood out in pre-season in a contained Pardew era that was as dull as dish water. The same with Aarons, any kid that took on a player would always look good in a side with no creativity.
  2. Was nowt in them minutes that was all that different than normal although the bit about transfer news coming very soon was a potential commitment.
  3. Dont know if this link has been posted but quite tempted if a legit site. http://www.fbkits.site/new-season-jersey/newcastle-united-home-shirt-2017-2018.html
  4. Lejeune's gone AWOL since he landed at the airport, has anyone told him that the Metty is off in certain parts?
  5. Still a distinct lack of decent rumours at present from any of the credible lot. Used to look forward to the Sunday rags for which was the best lie.
  6. Let's go COME ON TOONS!!! mental. [move] :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:[/move]
  7. Aye, that bit was a positive unless it's lost in translation and should have said 'So long Toons, the texts to Dummett's Aunties best friend who knew the butcher that saw Alfie's Dad doon the cloob and let it slip was true'
  8. Bailey has came across bitter for ages. He loves to stir.
  9. It's obvious the hold up with Gouffran is because he's been offered a wage drop to stay. The same happened with Lovenkrands if I remember rightly.
  10. Another factor in this is that Rafa is favourite to be the next premier league manager to leave at Evens. If true then what does go through Ashley's brains? Thick as pig shit.
  11. Those training tops aren't that bad to be fair, it's just the sponsor template that fucks it.
  12. The only certainty at present is the uncertainty that has spread through the fan base. Something is definitely up though and it's not really the lack of signings that is the main issue because about 75% of teams have done nowt so far. The real big issue for me is that nobody with any clout has moved to stop the speculation or keep the momentum going that was paramount to Rafa being here and reversing the years of decline. There's been no coverage from any of the top media people with Lee Ryder knowing nowt anyway, so he's not in that category and for us to have to wait for a watered down, vetted copy of what would have been vetted questions from the fans forum, just reeks of Ashley 2008 and the pretence of a sale. All we need now is for Barry Moat to come on the scene in some capacity and we've a bingo full house.
  13. Seems daft that there's still no leaks for the away and 3rd kits when the final choice for next seasons kits will be going to order soon.
  14. To be fair, Rafa wasn't at the last one so I wouldn't read anything into it. It is after all for concerns about the club not a Rafa Q+A night which it may well have been.
  15. I'm not sure if this is the most or least enlightened post We do live in interesting times. Im stereotyping I know but Geordie Shore and the like, will have painted a picture for many.
  16. It's kind of ironic that most of those that will have posted the anti-gay comments will be young lads. From what I can gather, most wear some sort of moisturiser or lad make up that would have had them in the same category back in the day.
  17. I just never forget this and so should everyone else. This was from the Keegan constructive dismissal tribunal. So dismiss nowt.
  18. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-united-sources-play-down-13263547
  19. Some right twats out today. https://twitter.com/LascelIes/status/880740498100584448
  20. Seems to be brightening up outside after days of gloom. Hope that's an omen for some positivity coming.
  21. Just seems weird for some reason. It reminds me of the last promotion Summer where we knew nothing and im sure Rafa was more vocal last year. There's been very little from the usual ITK's as well as if there's been some sort of embargo put in place although in my damaged mind I just picture that the whole place has just shut down until July kicks in later on with everyone there and every item just frozen in time. Once that clock chimes 12 tonight it unfreezes.
  22. Huddersfield look like they're signing Tom Ince as well.
  23. On checking, the source seems to be a parody account of sorts.
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