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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. We'd have finished above The Tramps if we'd had a normal ref as they won at their place through default. Even a draw would have seen us pip them for 17th.
  2. I say PANIC!!! :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:
  3. If there was a sweep on where the next footballing disaster was likely to happen, you can surmise we'd be favourites.
  4. Christ, that's messiah-like if true. Next they'll unveil him confirming his stay by walking from the sage across to the quayside on the water.
  5. I reckon there must be a gold away or 3rd kit as well because the colour seems too random.
  6. The same as what i thought.
  7. Looks like it's D-Day today then although it's unlikely it will be announced. Rafa is supposedly meeting Charnley today and if we go on past history, talks will break down and pave the way for a Gerry Francis or Paul Jewell type bloke to take over instead.
  8. Ashley said that hiring Shearer was the best decision he'd ever made and he insinuated that he was the future. I agree we had the pretend sale of the club going on as a backdrop mind but with the 9 years worth of history and that last statement that said there'd be greater communication, they wonder why there's no trust.
  9. This is in danger of replicating the Summer of Shearer when nee news was really 'no news'. Now with the Man Utd managerial change expected to take up the press space for at least the next couple of days, that takes us up to Wednesday minimum before we can grab the empty gap to announce any uplifting story. I can see this falling flat the longer this uncertainty goes on.
  10. I know the top is a bad photoshop mind but still......
  11. Seen this on Twatter and it's believable although id have thought there'd be a couple more black stripes in. Can't see any gold either.
  12. nearly time to gan radge. [move] :frantic: [/move]
  13. He's not willing to put his own money in and hasn't for years. And it's fair enough tbh, the club makes enough money by itself. We've allegedly spent the available cash this season, that's the issue. The thing I cling to is this clueless tag that has been labelled on Ashley and lets face it, it's a true un. The reason I cling to it is because he'll have bought us for whatever reason he did aside the promoting of his tat brand but with that, a conveyor belt of clueless people basically boring the arse off the man into doing what he has done and in that i mean strip the club of everything. With the panic signing of the best unemployed manager they could have got bar Mourinho, it has seen a phoenix like club start to rise from the ashes of once was, with that the coming together of clueless Ashley and Rafa with his infectious aura of perfection. That will have set the light bulbs off in Ashley's head that he may has struck oil. With all this, Rafa could be the pied piper that makes Ashley really want to make a fist of it here and the spin off be glory for us and brass for Ashley and his tat portfolio on the opening of further wallet strings. :frantic:
  14. New strip, proper press conference after the rugby weekend is all cleaned up and the feel good factor basically doing the selling of the season ticket, when the reality is we've just been relegated. We should be in mourning but we're on the crest of the beginning of something that could be great. the rebirth of hope. So that's how this football club ownership malarkey is supposed to be done.
  15. Look how long it takes them to do the fans forum minutes and that's easy to corrupt... erm.. report on. Talking about the fans thing, obviously that'll be screwed if there's a Rafa revolution.
  16. We'll probably hear nowt more now until Cathro picks up the bibs on the first day back of pre-season.
  17. Another sticking point will be the transfer targets. when Rafa only gets his 7th or 8th target each time, wonder how long it will take him to cotton on that nowt will change. #ConferenceCalls
  18. The worrying bit is it says the only way it will collapse is if another team comes in for him. To me that's like a red rag to a bull.
  19. Can we gan radge yet?? :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:
  20. Im going just to sit on my phone all game in silence, apart from the 17th minute when i'll applaud for reasons im not sure of now. When the game is nearing the end I may nip off early to try to catch the early bus home and charge me mobile.
  21. Sir Toon

    Lee Charnley

    No. The fact that Pardew was in no danger of ever getting the sack and Chumpley in no bother whatsoever, proves that Ashley makes much more cash by the indirect or deflective ways that the pair allowed than the 'riches' of being in the premier league. Corrupt as fuck.
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