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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. Wonder if we got any compensation? Oh Ashley will have got his Xmas party out of it alright. Dont worry about that.
  2. It'll just mean the Gerrard rumours will start again albeit for a different position.
  3. Sir Toon

    Players in public

    Mitro in Flannels in the metro centre tonight.
  4. Read more at chroniclelive.co.uk http://brightcove.vo.llnwd.net/e1/pd/4221396001/4221396001_4459327924001_4459292041001-vs.jpg?pubId=4221396001 [move][/move]
  5. Thoughts of racism or not but if the person who was 'offended' didn't even know it at the time although has one witness to recognise it against the person who supposedly aired their views with a witness to back up his view that he didn't, then this is going to be mighty hard to decide on. This is before the rights and wrongs of comments come into it and from the outside look like a straight forward case of tellings off and future conduct warnings. Without the full facts though although armed with the denial by Shelvey, this seems to me like a case that may drag through the legal channels if the FA revert to type.
  6. Although when the odds have been stacked against the FA in the past, it never stopped them making decisions against us. Can see this being another of those times.
  7. Well the latest according to the chronicle is that there's still no news.
  8. Rafa seems to prefer Colback at home anyway regardless of the claret and ginger look he'll have at present. FWIW.... Darlow Anita Clark Lascelles Dummett Ritchie Shelvey Hayden Gouffran Perez Mitro
  9. An utter bell spill, a proper co ck womble. Not wasting any more finger energy typing about the fraud.
  10. Sir Toon


    It's also worth remembering that the inbreds hate us first and follow their club second with the game against us usually a turning point in their mood changes. The fact that we're not in their division this year has them needing a miracle to get a boost from somewhere to kickstart their campaign unless our next league loss or defeat in the cup has the same effect in the coming weeks. Wouldn't be surprised if they start a donation to get a bus parade to celebrate our next loss.
  11. Sir Toon

    John Carver

    A reconstruction of the Tzon Kapbep Cypriot press conference.
  12. Sir Toon

    John Carver

    and no prizes for guessing the amount of lip licks during the translation exchanges. :p :p
  13. Sir Toon

    John Carver

    Hey, you cant fault wor John as he's nar arf improved with his Pardish.
  14. Society is fucked. There's nowt more boring than waiting for food never mind having to watch it being bastard cooked. Companies have cash to hoy away and in the likes of the BBC's eyes, free cash provided by mugs like us for that the illegal licence fee, so win win for them.
  15. That's shocking considering we're in the 21st century unless there's a plan for them to bring the end in line with the new stand by rebuilding it. At first glance I thought it was the kop end unless the photo is inverted somehow.
  16. Divvent kna like. Looks like there's some restricted ones to me. Those in the new stand will surely not see the opposite corner flag area. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/09/08/11/380DBBE200000578-0-image-a-17_1473328914847.jpg
  17. This. Couldn't give a f*** what they look like. They could have 3 legs, 9 fingers per hand or be Quozimodo's brother as long as they give 100% on the pitch. Puff Is that you asking? Soz like, happily married with a few sprogs. All the puffiest puffs have a wife and kids marra I wouldn't know, it's not my department. Nee need to brag on here like.
  18. This. Couldn't give a f*** what they look like. They could have 3 legs, 9 fingers per hand or be Quozimodo's brother as long as they give 100% on the pitch. Puff Is that you asking? Soz like, happily married with a few sprogs.
  19. This. Couldn't give a fuck what they look like. They could have 3 legs, 9 fingers per hand or be Quozimodo's brother as long as they give 100% on the pitch.
  20. It's pretty obvious what Ashley bought us for and the fact there was no due diligence proved it. His sole ambition at the start was to inflate his pockets via the using of us to promote his tat company. He didn't need experts to better us as a football club, just adequate crook types to allow things to tick over with his main game plan allowed to go unchallenged. Things changed along the way as people cottoned on and his company slipped both financially and morally. Im not sure now if he's that bothered about his baby and in turn probably sees a chance of redemption in the business world's eyes if he runs us properly not to mention increase the clubs worth.
  21. The bloke can never be forgiven as he ruined the club in so many ways and has ruined it for some for good. As it stands he is just merely tolerated whilst the football has brought around a glimmer of hope that we are a normal club again. The bloke brought us worldly delights such as Dennis Wise, JFK and Pardew. We've been embarrassed time after time, so there always remains a chance that something will creep out of the darkness if it creates a cash stream either directly or indirectly into his sky rocket. He may also have finally cottoned on that good PR is worth more than he's had so far and it may be the norm from now on but for me, he can stay in the shadows.
  22. It's swings and roundabouts anyway. Would we rather have good players playing as individuals or not trying than average (if people want to call them that) players playing as a team and trying 100%? There's nee prizes for guessing which set will be more successful.
  23. Not forgetting the 500 restricted view seats where part of the pitch cant be seen.
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