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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. This needs greater coverage, whether that be via nufc, the chronicle or whoever to gain momentum. even some donations from them would not only benefit the club but look better in the papers.
  2. I hope he doesn't get a single penny pay off out of NUFC. He signed a new contract last Summer. If he wants to leave now and NUFC are happy for him to leave too he can leave on a free. NUFC charge no transfer fee and Colo claims no loyalty payment. That would be fair. Paying him to leave would be a joke. I agree but maybe Rafa realises that his presence is more damaging than losing out on a couple of quid as in theory, Colo was gone the minute Rafa came in. The only other unknown issue is this one year extension, did it come at a lower wage. If so, what has been reported as anywhere between a basic £60k - £80k a week may have been lowered to £40k - £60k. This then would mean he has a guaranteed wedge of anywhere between £2m - £4m in potential earnings to come. A negotiated pay off which would mean Colo gets his ambition to go home earlier than expected must surely have been done here unless Mike or Lee has threatened to let the biggest non-secret out the closet and made him forcefully agree to something else.
  3. I did mention June 30th further up mind. Id hazard a guess that he'll have negotiated a £1m - £2m pay off as well to leave on a free.
  4. It wouldnt just be an extra 100 grand a week out of their budget though, it could potentially increase by 5 times that much with other players wanting big rises on the back of it. Even if 3 or 4 players got an average 20k a week more then that would be up to 180k a week extra.
  5. Teams like Crystal Palace cant afford to pay £100k a week regardless of this massive influx of cash. Not only will it affect their wage structure, it could also cause financial ruin if they got relegated and Townsend was on a 5-year deal. That would work out at an outlay of around £40 million for the player over his full term.
  6. You can see through the front and see the stripes clearly at the back.
  7. It wont be the end as we've still got over 60 days left in the window to hang on.
  8. Is he f***ing walking here? He might be doing the housework or shopping tomorrow. The garden may need doing or he could be at his Mam's for tea. Priorities man.
  9. The Japanese league teams get Darts tops. http://todosobrecamisetas.com/wp-content/uploads/16KAWASAKIASTRONAUT1.jpg http://todosobrecamisetas.com/wp-content/uploads/16KAWASAKIASTRONAUT2.jpg http://todosobrecamisetas.com/wp-content/uploads/16KAWASAKIASTRONAUT4.jpg http://todosobrecamisetas.com/wp-content/uploads/16CerezoOsakaSummer1.jpg http://todosobrecamisetas.com/wp-content/uploads/16CerezoOsakaSummer2.jpg
  10. Not bad, no, f***ing awful. It's not bad as in the badges look like they've been put on by someone that can see compared to the YTS lads from the local blind school that do ours.
  11. Colo Colo. FFS, turn the brightness down. http://todosobrecamisetas.com/wp-content/uploads/13512154_1109441885792487_625856738576502242_n.png
  12. Grasshoppers. Not bad. http://todosobrecamisetas.com/wp-content/uploads/06GRASS1.jpg
  13. Err, no it wasn't? All the Puma ones have been soundly mocked. Aye I know but we haven't had a decent, proper radge on of a moan since the stick of rock effort. Adidas mind.
  14. It will be Townsend but it'll come with lashings of huffy media stories that will try to unsettle him.
  15. The last time we proper moaned on at a shirt was the yellow deckchair abomination and look what happened that season, maybe that's the plan.
  16. As long as the flags/banners dont break any fire or safety regs then im sure the club will be all for it. It's them that will profit just as much as the fans at the end of the day. win/win.
  17. The clause is supposedly £13.5m but it means nowt if Townsend wants to stay. The lure of an exciting era ahead here on the back of an increased weekly wage will be attractive enough.
  18. It's all about demand in both categories. although ambition comes into it as well. If we need players in order to progress then that's fairly obvious in it's importance as having to take priority but the more the club succeeds in ticking the fans boxes, the greater the demand will become. As it stands, we are not selling out the season ticket demand which must surely be capped off at around the 40,000 mark. If we know for a fact that cash sales on an individual basis is between 10-15,000 then the higher the season ticket sale will lower the availability. If we get week after week of people complaining that they cant get in and a waiting list is being talked about again then the demands to increase will grow. As it stands we're falling short on a number of options but a promotion and a marriage between Rafa and the board that seems to be working will sooner rather than later have this issue raised in public. Then could see the first real test in how big Rafa wants us to become and an owners reluctance to grow the football side of the brand.
  19. Up until Rafa, the Ashley regime has stripped everything from the club and turned it all negative , the result has seen the club lose thousands of fans and potentially the generations after. Thinking on the back of that, there was never any need to think about extending the ground never mind talk about it as the gate receipts by an increased stadium would take umpteen years to be recouped. That however is thinking in terms of business but thinking in terms of ambition and an ambitious football club, an extension should be being talked about now and especially so if we're promoted as the Rafa effect should not be underestimated. A club put into a trance like state has suddenly seen it's fanbase shaken to waken up and the extra 10,000 or so fans that could be potentially added by an extra tier would not only bring in the extra revenue there but the feel good factor of having an ambitious club would snowball into other areas not to mention be advertised further around the world. The income available then would be closer to the likes of Spurs but thinking further away and with daft misty eyed visions, we should be on a par with Liverpool if Rafa waves his magic pixie dust on us and gets us competing or a trophy added to the cleaners weekly tasks. We can see the potential and by the sounds of it, Rafa does too. It will be an interesting three years if he progresses to a level that matches his CV and if Ashley buys into that, you just never know.
  20. So basically, footy headlines are now using the same shirt design as todosobrecamisetas and from that it must be 99% certain they're right. They're all further back in the thread but for ease... Here they are.
  21. I printed a direct debit form off the website, filled it in, sent it off in the 5 o clock post and by the following dinner time, I had confirmation and an emailed receipt in me inbox. Monthly payments still as well.
  22. Quite like this as well http://todosobrecamisetas.com/wp-content/uploads/16bayawlko3.jpg
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