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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. You heard? From who? Your neighbours dog? No because it cant speak.
  2. I heard that his agent was in town to try and smoke out rival bids to the one we offered. Mitrovic apparently not being so keen. Time will tell but if we dont get him then the stall is set for price range.
  3. I'm sure he'd love to sign for Newcastle but sadly he isn't good enough. Still to those Dutch lads today on the tour he was a new player haha! Aye, I saw your tweets Craig and the interview. Aside from the 'tongue in cheek' nature of it, it's easy to fool a lot of our fans due to their mentality with their belief that after 8 years, Ashley will invest all of a sudden. We're knackered as a fanbase.
  4. Mine is on sale and the 2 lads either side that I went with.
  5. Coz that 'sit in' is still happening there.........
  6. Was supposed to finish at the end of May then June 12th then the 19th. As it stands now, the official amount of spare seats for sale is unknown as the club wont release the details online and will just pretend it's busier than it is. Signings and plenty of decent ones, is the only thing that will sell tickets now.
  7. Sir Toon

    Charlie Austin

    The papers aren't even bothering to quote the author of the article now, that's how desperate they've got. As if a transfer is going to be like Homes Under The Hammer, with us offering 50 pence more than Southampton to win the auction. Homes Under The Hammer...are you suggesting we're after Dion Dublin? He's within budget and ticks all the boxes. #Free #Unattached #Shit #British #Under50 #HasAPulse
  8. Sir Toon

    Charlie Austin

    The papers aren't even bothering to quote the author of the article now, that's how desperate they've got. As if a transfer is going to be like Homes Under The Hammer, with us offering 50 pence more than Southampton to win the auction.
  9. Interesting that I didn't renew but my seats show up on the official website as reserved/taken by me. There's also more seats available and I can bet anything that the number of 'available' will increase, every time one is sold because the club wont want to show the true 'available' figure.
  10. German media linking Bas Dost with a move to Dortmund. If true then that one is dead in the water.
  11. Chopey, if you have your old supporter number and are registered to log in on the tickets bit on the official website, you can choose season tickets that are available now. By my reckoning though, there will be more available than what is showing as it'll be mix of spin and shite to create a bit of panic.
  12. Ultimately though, there's only one real decision to make and that centres around how a club makes you feel. The present day form of NUFC and a lot of other clubs with fans boycotting are doing so because they feel disattached. The theme that generally keeps occuring is he owner not meeting the footballing demands of the paying fan and still profiting themselves. A fan owned club is the future and with the rules not changing any time soon to bring us in line with the thriving German model, a new club will see us have internal warm thoughts first. Heck the way things are going, we could pass Shit Direct Utd in the league in a few years time
  13. This is something ive long called for and is easy to do in theory. A club on the league ladder, in or around the city can be bought out and the name changed. A location for a ground that has building potential is also something to consider. Next and most importantly (or first depending on business plan), get a famous name eg Shearer, Keegan etc to form a consortium with their sole aim to provide a club that fits the criteria of the city of Newcastle. The motif or slogan for the club is already written in that we dont demand a team that wins but a club that tries. The higher up the league we go, the more the ground needs to expand with merchandise etc available from day one. The team name can be available to vote on from the start but will have to have Newcastle in it. Fan owned with yearly elections a must as well with rolling contracts for elected board members instead of long term deals
  14. Sir Toon


    Sheep do need a leader as our lot adhere to the rules to a tee. What we need is a banner with a protest happening for every minute. This means that numbers 1 through to 90 appear on it, so they understand. The protests have a sense of people watching the clock until a particular minute. This needs to change.
  15. Sir Toon

    John Carver

    http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastles-john-carver-says-would-9069449 A few would lynch the twat the night for shite like this.
  16. Sir Toon

    NUFC finances

    I wouldn't be surprised if we're paying for Ashley's 'interest' in Rangers or elsewhere and it's in the books as 'other business costs'
  17. People need to wake the fuck up. This is yet more news designed to reach the parts that reality can't reach via the PR brigade amidst a backdrop of poor season ticket renewals and feel bad factors. Expect a lot more stories that we want to hear but will not be acted upon. A bit like a government election campaign. Only this time we know who's getting elected in advance.
  18. Sir Toon

    NUFC finances

    Surely it's the accounts champions trophy parading tomorrow where all the mongs will group at the back of the Gallowgate to speak to SSN. :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav:
  19. That song was about Howard Gayle. I remember being in the scoreboard in the 80's and it was towards Cunningham. The song went, He's black, he's broon, he plays for the toon, Cunningham, Cunningham to the tune of the Mickey Burns ditty
  20. St James' Park holds many memories for us, me for over 40 years but the soul destroying Ashley factor may leave a horrible stench around the stadium that we can't shift and a relocation may not be the end of the world under new owners. We would be able to afford it and fill a ground of 80,000+ if we were run with ambition to try to be the best we can. Nothing more, nothing less.
  21. Sir Toon

    Lee Charnley

    Charnley is the result of Ashley going out on the hoy around the central station. Ashley stumbled into Powerhouse thinking it matched his ego and he came out with a rent boy.
  22. Looks like he's joining Nice as a free agent. http://rmcsport.bfmtv.com/football/accord-de-principe-nice-ben-arfa-855378.html
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