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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. The face looks like sloth from the goonies anyway so we're fooked..... http://www.wolfgnards.com/media/blogs/photos/celebrities/Sloth-Fratelli-490x312.jpg
  2. We win and our chances of survival increase to 50/50, we lose and it's daydreams of Wigan, Huddersfield and Rotherham. This game is massive. The type of game that we haven't won for decades.
  3. Sir Toon

    Lee Charnley

    Regardless of Charnley, he is still the first line of deflector defence of the real problem in Ashley. The first sign of heat and he will swan off back down pink lane.
  4. We didn't appoint anyone the last time. Hughton just happened to find it within himself to carry on as if he was boss with a great dignity whilst not knowing what the fuck was going on. Once we got some results, the club acknowledged that someone was manager as if it was their choice all along. The only person that fits the bill this time round is Cathro but the fans know the score this time and it wont be the same.
  5. A fair assessment and with my way of thinking also. Surely enough and with the ability of a transfer kitty, to be promoted.
  6. Maybe that's another sticking point as Charnley could be being replaced as well.
  7. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/newcastle-united-next-manager-mike-ashley-jets-in-to-decide-steve-mcclaren-s-fate-a6924161.html
  8. Sir Toon

    Steve McClaren

    What people are forgetting is that we've never heard Charnley speak and for all we know he may sound like Mr Bean. It would explain a helluva lot.
  9. Sir Toon

    Steve McClaren

    Charnley is a symptom of a bigger problem. Ashley.
  10. Wouldn't be surprised if our new home strip had the 'big' stripe 'little' stripe effect as it seems to be the template of choice for Pumanext year. http://www.footballshirtculture.com/images/1football/queretaro-2016-puma-third-football-shirt.jpg
  11. It would be ironic if Shite Direct was one of the new rights holders next season and us being in the championship. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-3438271/Premier-League-launches-fresh-new-look-season-includes-modern-lion-icon.html
  12. Wonder why the likes of Keegan and Terry Mac weren't there. I don't think there's been any quotes either.
  13. Man Utd will be the losers in this as De Gea's contract runs out next year. I wonder if an English club gets a cheap loan for the season now?
  14. :D The Mancs and Madrid look like they've cocked up the de Gea deal as the deadline was missed. :mike:
  15. Seems like the quotes about Colo wanting to stay came from after the game against BMG. The delay in saying this yesterday, obviously designed to create speculation.
  16. It's an absolute shambles that we still lie with defensive issues so close to the season start. If this is what Ashley meant by bolting the horse on, id hate to think what he would class as pony. i'll get me coat.
  17. They won't bother with announcement. It'd just go quietly on the shelfs in mike's storea wonder what colour the shorts will be to match it? By the way, should we expect another members kit for the game on Saturday like in previous seasons? Personally id say the shorts will be the same colour blue as the shirt trim but with past history of Ashley including the yellow 'deck chaired' monstrosity, you could expect the shorts to be the same design as the top. Blue shorts with a white trim would be my guess. Arsenal's is the same template and their shorts are the colour of the trim, so it will more than likely be the same here. Im guessing it will be announced by next midweek like. http://i1.adis.ws/s/ArsenalAMP/t74802990_ms?$400x400$
  18. They won't bother with announcement. It'd just go quietly on the shelfs in mike's storea wonder what colour the shorts will be to match it? By the way, should we expect another members kit for the game on Saturday like in previous seasons? Personally id say the shorts will be the same colour blue as the shirt trim but with past history of Ashley including the yellow 'deck chaired' monstrosity, you could expect the shorts to be the same design as the top.
  19. When's this being announced?? http://g04.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1SwQQGXXXXXczaXXXq6xXFXXXg/2015-font-b-Newcastle-b-font-font-b-jersey-b-font-home-away-font-b-jersey.jpg
  20. Not gonna sign him for my footy manager team mind. Wijnaldum I already did last year, so was surprised when we got him. http://fmscreenshots.weebly.com/uploads/8/0/0/0/800049/9764005_orig.png
  21. After all this, you just know that Mbemba is either going to be shit or break his leg on his debut.
  22. Absolutely this. [move] [/move]
  23. Sir Toon

    Steve McClaren

    Do people not believe the 'spin' that has been released by the club in order to sell season tickets like? This is going to be the line up. Krul Janmaat, Matip, Coloccini, Abdennour, Haidara Tiote, Sissoko, Colback Thauvin, Wijnaldim, Anita, Mitrovic, de Jong, Perez, Aarons Austin, Cisse
  24. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,93481.msg5037205.html#msg5037205 This I was told when chatting to a member of the first team squad. Suggested that both MYM and Gouffran were two peas out the same pod when it came to the description I used. Funnily I slated Pardew and was told in his opinion he was a 'brilliant' coach. That the players loved him. Without checking history or digging too deep, I can only presume the player in question as to being Blob Elliot. He seemed to have a bromance with Parsnip. Refering to him as anything other than a fraud and one of the worst managers in the club's history is just a delusional episode that is a warning sign that they need sectioned.
  25. Hmmm. The same path of knowledge as most 'experts' on TV, so i'll buy that.
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