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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. Be strange for the scousers to see the team come out of the new stand. Sky will have their usual angle fucked for the YNWA wank-fest which delays the ad breaks.
  2. It could also be an effort to give Rafa a proper look at him on loan at a club where any risks or mistakes will cause them issues rather than us. It's a difficult one to reintroduce a player after a long term injury, especially when our future depends on it. If Krul excels then it's win win for next season.
  3. I bet this is on TV in someone's back office. Like Sky or the channel 5 studios.
  4. Is it just me that thinks he's trying to involve himself with the group again by mentioning his club as if he knows he's not getting a move.
  5. Aye nowt new. Rafa says we could get 1 more or it could be 4. In other news, we may win the next game or we may lose it depending on certain factors.
  6. Where's these forum minutes like? All this cloak and dagger stuff for what will be just conversation about the smell of the new paint job.
  7. FFS. There's still only two games played. TWO I say.
  8. The league still isn't won after two games though. Generally the first 8 to 10 or just to put the feelers out. i agree we need to jack it up tho and not lose the home games.
  9. One win will change everything. The other night the Villa fans were in meltdown, tonight they'll be back to thinking they're gonna walk the league.
  10. And if i may add. The way the club has been run as a stepping stone with no ambition, isloated from the fans, treating those very fans with utter contempt. It really was just about everything wiithin the club. Cant find a mic drop emoticon but absolutely this.
  11. If we'd won two games on the spin we'd have had the hold ya horses brigade out in force but just like any team that loses 1 or 2, the negatives are so much easier to pick out. I could list umpteen reasons why we have had this start and in no way is it a surprise to me. The trick now is to get a win as quick as we can although the longer we go without will put more pressure on Mitrovic to perform when he's off his extended grounding. It may also have him frothing at the mouth for the Brighton home game and a warning to the shower room attendant that they may need to get his bath ready before the rest of the side due to chances of an impending early one increasing.
  12. Carr scouts players and in the past has recommended a certain number for whatever position we've wanted to buy for. It isn't his fault that the club has usually opted for the scouted 8th choice. Even when we talk of strikers, the list of players that we could have got but didn't is comical. Most have went on to the biggest clubs.
  13. The internet connection in the ground has been bordering on secret agent type blocking proportions for years but there's supposedly a new wifi connection around the city so it'll be interesting to see what the craic is for the match.
  14. Wouldn't be in the slightest bit surprised if Moussa ends up at somewhere like Lyon. Theyve come into a little bit of extra cash recently and Clement Grenier got cattled a while back if im not mistaken.
  15. Totally agree but never underestimate how s*** the general public are. Some of the excuses for fans we've witnessed near us over the past few years may not be happy like. Anything that may affect their internet connection or their concentration for their phones may cause meltdowns on serial killing proportions. They normally stay hidden until the 17th minute.
  16. This is just one of them aftermath pictures you get when a 'yes' has greeted a marriage proposal. HOLD....ON....A....MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. They were exactly the same, on Saturday IIRC. I'm sure there are more on here who remember the gallowgate toilets in the 70's and 80's. Half way up the hill, you could often smell them at the turnstile and just a health hazard. Complaints of mildew seem insignificant compared to the risk of airborne death That and the annual firework throwing around the end of October. Still amazed to this day how a crowd packed like sardines could still create a hole big enough around an unexploded banger and still come out unscathed.
  18. Personally I dont think it will be the spectacle we think it will because it will take time to get right. Id like to think of it more as a marathon than a sprint. Hopefully the fact that it wont be rocking like a German league game or some mad Turkish derby straight away wont be dissed by all and sundry as some sort of failure. The results and any momentum built will have to dictate the future of it.
  19. Someone posted a picture of Shelvey earlier and said he was drinking at the airport before heading off on a flight to Mallorca. If true, seems strange. https://twitter.com/OwenzieM/status/761954739131191301
  20. Too many people hoying their dummies out all over the shop. The single reason we lost to Fulham was because the team was still in 'Summer' mode. Maybe the crowd to an extent too. There was no urgency, no tempo, no real feeling that we were actually playing a meaningful game. Yes, we need one or two more plus we have a handful to return but a head shake is needed more than anything. We'll still be there or thereabouts.
  21. This the one you mean ? http://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/10523288/benitez-targets-promotion Loved the Charnley 2nd glance at Rafa when he'd walked away in that vid around the 1m 45 mark. Reminiscent of a 'you hang up' 'no you hang up'...... :smitten:
  22. A £40 million transfer swing between Villa's and the Toon spend. Interesting.
  23. We'll lose him in January for African nations duty.
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