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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Because negative news re: this club is usually close to the mark unfortunately. I have zero faith in Ashley to do the right thing here. I think it'll happen. It makes no financial sense for Ashley for it not to. And money is all he cares about. He's a vile, horrible c*** who doesn't give a s**** about anybody, yes, but surely he can't throw this away or it's curtains for getting any sale for north of £300m. An absolute dire day at SJP on Saturday doesn't change that. From what I've read about Ashley, in the retail/corporate world, he never concedes ground/compromises - it's about winning the deal. He's as pig-headed as they come. That's what will scupper any sale, if it happens imho. There's a magic figure in his head, and he just won't meet anybody in the middle. That's my feeling on it. When you hear from Benitez that we couldn't compete financially on a level playing field with fellow promoted clubs Huddersfield Town & Brighton, it hits home where we are with him. It boggles the mind, given this fact, that he seems to value the club at £380m! Staveley and PCP are rightly balking at that figure in my opinion, as the club in it's current state is worth nothing near that! He wants to charge them a premium on what the club may be worth at some point in the future. If he doesn't drop the price, they'll walk away and it's f***ing infuriating. Especially given he'll potentially lose somewhere in the region of £100/150m if we drop again.
  2. Still nothing concrete either way, so we'll just have to wait. Pretty sure recent form will have been a worry for them. If the sale doesn't go through by January MA will have to invest in the playing squad or risk another relegation and the slashing of £100m+ from the value of the club.
  3. Oh Mandy, she came and she found me a turkey. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Aye, I think someones made that one up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Did Jim White really say that? Thought this morn he just said something along the lines of "exciting times coming up for your club" bla bla bla? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Jim White did a similar thing the other week, didn't say anything for ages, then rehashed what had already been said.
  7. Can't see any buyer accepting that anyway, they'll want to maximise corporate sponsorship (unlike Ashley) and will no doubt have their own plans in mind.
  8. Lengthy news story on Tyne Tees news just now on it, they even had a camera outside her house this afternoon. Nothing new to report though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Those winning the Champions League claims have to be bollocks. What's the prize money for winning the whole thing, sure it's worth about £80-90 million if you win it, including what you get for all the group phases etc.
  10. They currently would have some say in where it ends up though, so it is cheeky to basically try to cover for that by paying less if it doesn't go well. Probably just a negotiating tactic anyway. Again with another house analogy, you cannot agree to pay £170k on the basis that the house only stays or goes up in value but pay £150k if it turns out the market crashes in your area or they build a bunch of flats next door in a years time. Especially if you're someone who makes decisions which determine whether they end up building flats next door in a years time. You go into it accepting risk & do your analysis of the situation upfront. Then you pay what you deem it to be worth. PCP are thinking, even if it's done before Jan, and they have that window to bring in players, one window isn't necessarily enough to halt a relegation slide. The lack of investment in the playing squad is an issue which goes back years, and is on Ashley's back in my opinion. It's reasonable for them to want to protect themselves from that at least in the short term, for the remainder of this season for example, anything after that would then be their own doing.
  11. If there's relegation & Champions League clauses etc it's hard to see Ashley going for it to be honest.
  12. If this all goes tits up, we have the anticipated lack of transfer activity in January, coupled with a then disgruntled fanbase, Benitez would be likely to want out at the end of the season & worst case scenario a possible relegation. He'll be left with a rapidly devalued asset. Now's the time to sell, take any offer that's ball park £300m and let us all move on!
  13. That doesn't sound good. As has been said plenty already, 14 or 15 hours ago they didnt even know about the bid, now they all seem to have every detail. Dont believe the headlines. #Wait Definitely been leaked by one party or the other to try and create movement/add pressure. Also; seems like that Daily Star journalist was accurate.
  14. So, where we're at is a bid has been made but the figure of £300m is inaccurate. Presumably it's a lot less than that. We don't know what that offer is, and Ashley's lawyers have yet to respond. Sounds like we're into the real bargaining phase, but if MA receives a bid anywhere near the £300m mark he'd be absolutely mousey if he didn't accept it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Aye, if they're going back through deals dating back 27 years (which is a bit random) then you'd think we might be nearing the end of diligence. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Might be because of the tax situation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. If he didn’t want to spend in Jan, he just wouldn’t spend. Simples. No need for the cloak & dagger, I don’t think he gives that much of a s****. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. This biscuit man? I thought he'd already ruled out any interest.
  19. The focus is on Staveley, but it’s not her or her company buying the club, she’s acting on behalf of others as she did for the Mansour’s with Man City. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was someone else entirely to be honest, seeing as there were reportedly multiple groups carrying out diligence. Either that or we’re having smoke blown up our collective arses and it’s all bullshit.
  20. Hadn't realised the Liverpool owners were also there last. Coincidence? Probably, who knows...
  21. Obviously has a keen interest in football, which is good! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. The wanking in to the mash one. ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. The Star journalist was a Newcastle fan as well according to his twitter account. I’m sharpening my pitchfork. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. That's all any of them say, which is why I'm pretty sure they know fuck all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Miles Starforth also saying reports of bids/agreements premature. Talks ongoing. I reckon one morning it'll be confirmed sold on the official site and no one will know a sausage about it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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