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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Why would Rich Energy drinks be interested in what Staveley/PCP are up to and why'd they even bother sending that tweet? Seems a bizarre thing to come out with, bearing in mind it's confirmed they're carrying out diligence, just for shits & giggles?
  2. I'm not mad at Journo's, I'd rather know what's going on, I just find it odd that there's apparently a few interested parties and 4 or 5 have signed NDA's yet we're only hearing about this PCP Partners one
  3. NDA signed but every sodding Journo seems to know what's going on.
  4. All sounds very promising, I'm trying not to get excited.
  5. I've heard the same re 747, guy fly's his horses over and everything.
  6. Can't believe people are on about wanting Keegan back, in whatever capacity, that ship sailed. Time to move on, and with Benitez in full control.
  7. Mirror have been throwing spanner’s at us for a while now. Anything dodgy would be picked up in due diligence. He’ll have them covered as well in warranties attaching the sale. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Just enjoy the win and the international break, and see what happens prior to the transfer window closing. I can't see anything happening with Rafa mid-season. In the summer it'll be a different story. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. It wasn't just the ref, none of the media I saw even mentioned either of them. Totally missed out on the MOTD2 coverage apparently they didn't even discuss it Sky post-match that I'm aware.
  10. Yeah the top 5 thing has to be crap, it would take us a number of years to challenge that high.
  11. Nothing new there though? We new he wasn't happy in the January window, he's already said he had expected more at this stage following his talks with Ashley.
  12. Feel for Tim. Seems like his time's up at NUFC. Been a long and loyal servant to the club.
  13. Solid DM? Surely better than Colback/Diame on that score so I'm on board. If it's even true, don't think it's a very reliable source.
  14. Wouldn't sell Mbemba at all, we need the cover and I doubt we'd get a better player in.
  15. Rafa's talk in on Thursday of this week, could be interesting!
  16. Not sure if a loan move would be a good move from our point of view really. Loan with an option to buy perhaps, but I'm not a great fan of improving other teams players and sending them back, which is all Liverpool seem interested in.
  17. Always wanted a spandex Newcastle top.
  18. Well. That proves me wrong then. ?
  19. Not convinced that all black kit is legit tbh, we're wearing all black socks and shorts with the home kit, can't see how this would give us an alternative in terms of a colour clash.
  20. Nothing more on this Samaris bid reported by the Portuguese media over the weekend then.
  21. All feeling a little familiar at the moment, ill hang fire about being p*ssed off until the season starts, then when the window slams shut, they've p*ssed about again all summer, lead Rafa and the fans along. Until then I'll sit back and watch. I'm the same and will remain patient, but there's really no excuses this summer seeing as they spent zip in January. It's been a year since any significant investment in the squad. (Apart from the Lejeune signing ofc).
  22. Yup, starting to get moderately concerned. Rafa's clearly had a list of targets and so far we've only brought in one of those, Lejeune. Clubs around us and even in the championship are spending some big money, we appear to be treading water. Something has to change.
  23. Dabizas has been on saying we should go out and get him (Samaris). Can't say I know too much about him.
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