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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. File this one under "Probably bollcoks" I reckon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thing is with our local press they have admitted on Twitter (well Douglas has) about holding things back because they have been asked too. They are desperate to have a link to the club like they had during the Shepherd and Hall era. They could know and have been asked not to say anything. He has honestly heard this at the training ground. Last thing he told me was that Staveley was at the ground and that was the night before it all came out that she had visited St James park for talks (it was a Tuesday and some London paper ran the Story the next day) so I am holding out hope. If she has been at the ground etc, and it is a big if as it is third hand info, then she has taken more interest in the club the last 3 weeks than Ashley has in 10 years and that can only be a huge positive. Fair enough, I hope you're right. Mark Douglas had said they were holding things back!? I must've missed that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Can't imagine she'd have been at the training ground and no one's noticed. Saying that, the state of some of our journalists they wouldn't know if she came along and patted them on the head. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Aye, he's retweeted an Amnesty International article relating to Saudi human rights abuses. ? It's all ifs and buts until we know who they sodding well are.
  5. NUFC_Chris

    Jacob Murphy

    Just read the last page of so of comments. FWIW, in the Gallowgate Upper, the atmosphere was pretty decent tbf, I didn't witness any edginess or negativity. Sure, plenty of frustration and disappointment at full time but that's only natural having conceded on the 92nd min. Most people understand with this group of players we're doing pretty decently.
  6. Very little chance of a sale by Xmas according to some ex-Liverpool MD. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/sold-end-season-must-read-13835899
  7. I don't think anyone falls for any of this shite anyway, it just passes the boredom whilst we all await the real deal or lack thereof.
  8. How long was his contract? They probably can't afford to sack another manager. They go through them like hot dinners.
  9. Lol the bit about the flag.
  10. The Mirror running that thenational.ae story now.
  11. I think we can say with reasonable certainty PCP are, it's been in the news for the last few weeks and if it wasn't the case they'd have denied it by now. As the Turkish biscuit man did. The other supposed 4, well, there's no evidence that they even exist tbh.
  12. How can you get excited by someone you have no idea who they are? Rumours are they are consortiums, some Chinese which may not even be given the go ahead to purchase us from their own country. With Amanda Staveley we know more about her, and we know about her links and previous bids for clubs which suggests that it could the same or similar type of people who’s backing her to buy us. As for the press thing, we only know about Amanda’s interest because she was pointed out to the press at the Liverpool game, she had been previously before but the press didn’t recognise her. Had it not been for this we would likely have not known of her interest, and Ashley may not have publically put the club up for sale. TLDR? Putting a face/name behind a bidder allows us to get more excited. Yeah, I get that with PCP. I'm just very intrigued as to who the others are. It seems a little odd to me there hasn't been any rumblings, usually with these sorts of things there's huge speculation surrounding interested parties.
  13. It all seems very quiet on this front, though I know whilst the due diligence process is going on that'll be the case. What I find interesting is everyone seems to be so obsessed with Staveley/PCP that we've forgotten there's another four interested parties (if we believe what we read) who've also signed NDA's and are carrying out due diligence. I know this is because she's the only one we know for sure is interested, but I do find it a bit odd no journalist or business insider seems to have a scooby who the others are! Other than one or more of them may be Chinese.
  14. They don't mind a dive in the French league.
  15. Saying he said something to the referee? Ocampos played him like a fiddle.
  16. Well that's embarrassing for all involved.
  17. I lost all respect for Neymar, his attitude after leaving Barca stinks. Getting paid shite loads playing for PSG but he shouldn't kid himself he's playing at the highest level.
  18. Probably just using the medium of social media to get it's name out there. I'd never heard of Rich Energy before this morning, so I guess it worked.
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