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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Brighton for Lincoln in the next round.
  2. They've got a canny following. I watched them play Darlington about 10 years ago at the Reynolds Arena and they must have brought near enough 2,000 fans with them. They took 4K to Ipswich in the first game, think their average home attendance is only about 3K. They should have a fairly sizeable 'catchment area' as they're not surrounded by bigger teams - what is the nearest "big club"? Forest? It's such a huge county too. Aye Forest closest I think, they'll be one of those towns where everyone supports Man U and Liverpool etc.
  3. They've got a canny following. I watched them play Darlington about 10 years ago at the Reynolds Arena and they must have brought near enough 2,000 fans with them. They took 4K to Ipswich in the first game, think their average home attendance is only about 3K.
  4. I'm not buying this tbh, it's come from one guy at the Mirror who's reputation is far from positive so I'm told. None of the local journalists, who have their ears to ground a hell of a lot more than national journalists have as yet ran a story or even said anything about it. I also believe all this was discussed and agreed upon in the summer and is part of the reason Rafa is even here, I see no reason why this would change. The article is also so flimsy, it merely suggests we want to sign players with sell on value, well derr so does pretty much every other club, this isn't news.
  5. Whacking a poppy on a shirt or on a card is not supporting a charity imo. It's not like this is an unknown/relatively small charity that the FA are giving coverage to. If the FA cared that much they could have donated a large sum of money to the Poppy Appeal as their "gesture". Pretty sure large donations would have been made to the poppy appeal.
  6. Just ironic that an organisation, as corrupt as Fifa have been proven, fine national FA's for supporting a registered charity. At least it was only fines though and not points deductions etc.
  7. I'm happy with the badge as it is now but a reversion to the classic coat of arms would be acceptable. Don't want a total change to something completely new.
  8. Just seen a post on Facebook (Newcastle Supporters Worldwide) saying we've agreed an extension with Puma til 2020 and that there'll be a badge redesign in the summer. I'm calling bollocks on this one?
  9. I honestly don't think we've got anything to worry about here lads.
  10. That would be a bizarre move for him. Would be genuinely surprised if that's true.
  11. I think it's probably about 50/50 right now whether he stays/goes. In the post-match interview on Sky Benitez mentioned that he, like the fans, feels it's important to keep a strong team together to come straight back up. I think a lot depends on how the club will manage financially with wages etc. and if the board are able to keep the core of the squad. If he is given certain guarantees I've a feeling he'll stay, if not he'll be away.
  12. Blatantly not getting sacked.
  13. NUFC_Chris


    Interesting in their statement, they only deny that they knew he was going to change his plea to guilty, NOT to the fact revealed in court that he admitted kissing the girl in his car to the club's directors.
  14. NUFC_Chris


    Adam Johnson told by judge to "say goodbye to your daughter". Ooph. Sucks to be him right now.
  15. NUFC_Chris


    I haven't read through all of the comments, but now that the trial is over and pending his sentencing do you think it's likely there'll be any measures taken against SAFC? Bearing in mind they continued to employ and play the man. You'd think they'd have some sort of duty of care. I mean has he continued to go on school and hospital visits and been involved in the community side of the football club?
  16. NUFC_Chris


    I doubt she'd stay with him just for the money as she clearly comes from a wealthy background. It's more likely she was trying to stay with him for the baby. Massive leap to call her a money grabber etc.
  17. NUFC_Chris


    She has a baby by him, I can understand her trying to stick by him although that might be impossible now. I've sympathy for her. He was messaging numerous other women at the same time as well. All your hatred should be directed at him imo.
  18. NUFC_Chris


    Disgusting that they didn't suspend him immediately despite having seen his whatsapp conversations, and having known he at the very least admitted kissing her. Especially as the Chief Exec in the know was a woman.
  19. NUFC_Chris


    Oh dear oh dear his lies slowly starting to unravel... Tripping over his own tall tales.
  20. NUFC_Chris


    Sounds like a tough day for him, having his todger shown in court. No sympathy for him of course. He sounds like a despicable arsehole even without his apparent tendencies for underage girls.
  21. NUFC_Chris


    Some of the replies to his tweet are pretty grim. My first thought was poor lass, then you read some of the responses to his tweet and people wonder why rape often goes unreported.
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