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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Lol - they won't be trolling their own fans by announcing Gouffran, most likely Lejeune at a guess.
  2. Done well to get him, but I can't help but think he could have done better than Palace. No PL experience so it's always a bit of a gamble, though would have loved to have had him here when we were linked with him the last time, rather than McClaren.
  3. That video from Acquah. Sounds to me like he's trying to talk himself into a move whilst at the same time trying to keep Torino sweet.
  4. Remember a program about Hong Kong people being unhappy at the hordes of Chinese shoppers, calling them locusts etc. There's definitely no love lost there.
  5. Not stressing over this, could be a number of reasons for it. a) The HMRC situation b) If the talk of interested parties looking to buy the club is correct it could be to do with that. An early signing would ease the worries, and hopefully we're not far off that.
  6. The puma logo's on the new kit are stick on apparently and not the usual embroidered ones.
  7. Very little detail in this story, I wonder where they've got this from.
  8. That's exactly what's happened. https://www.nufc.co.uk/news/latest-news/magpies-submit-retained-list
  9. Personally think Darlow had a great season, would be a bit harsh on him if we got rid. Rafa definitely does seem to prefer Elliot though. Can see this one happening, with Darlow being the fall guy.
  10. Nah, pre-orders come with free shirt printing and badges. Just stuck one in the basket, and it knocks the cost off automatically back down to £54.99. Decent. Oh aye, didn't see that. £54.99 with name & numbers plus badges isn't bad at all tbf.
  11. Up on the club shop now for pre-order. £54.99 with a tenner off. So with a name on back & PL badges £76.
  12. Pires seems an odd one then, he's still pretty young at 23 though. Rafa must see something in him and I'm happy to trust his judgement over Fifa 17 or whatever.
  13. That Swindon top looks like same template as our away ones this season.
  14. The 'fan expectation' cliche. Don't particularly expect anything else from Danny Murphy though.
  15. NUFC_Chris

    Isaac Hayden

    Great article, he comes across really well. It shows he understands the club. Some great little snippets in there re Rafa. I hope he has a great future with us.
  16. Might not get the shirt, but may pick up one of the training tops/walkout jackets if they're any good.
  17. So who is it Mooy or Cairney? Can't see it being both?
  18. Loving the Prem badges back on there.
  19. It's a nice looking kit, sponsor does put me off buying though.
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