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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. What I was reading yesterday, was that HMRC had been working on football related tax evasion for years, and that it covers up to 43 players and 12 different football clubs. I wouldn't be surprised if other clubs experience similar raids in the near future.
  2. Well, we all know what we need to do in the Barnsley game. Spurs at home mk II in terms of the fans & atmosphere please.
  3. But they arrested Charnley? Probably as he's the only one at board level who's still there?
  4. Mike Ashley has congratulated "everybody" after promotion - says Rafa Benitez. #nufc Media bullshit again then... Rafa on raids at club and why: "It is something that happened four or five years ago" #nufc Rafa Benitez says he has held conversations with Mike Ashley. About what is going on and what they will do. #nufc
  5. He said he was surprised, but fine with it. What's wrong with that? The arseholes.
  6. Considering how Charnley has been released and will be questioned later you have to assume nothing has been found. You'd hope. Could take them weeks to go through all the files they've got though.
  7. Depends if there's any hook, line and sinker evidence in what they've seized as to how long it'll take I suppose.
  8. £5m in the scheme of things is nothing like... It's maddening that they'd even take on the risk of being caught for what is effectively small change to most PL clubs.
  9. He wasn't arrested at all then. Tired of the endless circle of bullshit we're fed by so called journalists.
  10. That's all West Ham said in theirs, I wouldn't have expected much else at this stage.
  11. The West Ham statement was only 'we are assisting HMRC', and that's it. But still, all we'd have to do is issue the same... Like you say, if Charnley is still under questioning they likely can't say anything. ?
  12. I hope that's all it is, but I can't understand why Charnley would be arrested? No West Ham official has been arrested as far as I'm aware?
  13. Interesting, thought this would have been closer. Also went for Ritchie, he's been the stand out for me. Every game this guy has ran his heart out, working the line in attack and defence and scored 16 goals which is a huge achievement.
  14. There's been some good moments, but I'd have to say no. It's a turgid league, and I'm relieved to get out of it. We've had to scrap it out, Jeff Stelling has it right in my opinion when he said every club in the Championship treats their game against Newcastle as their cup final, so I think we've done pretty well all things considered.
  15. I'm surprised there's been no leaks yet. There's usually some dodgy pic by now.
  16. Looks promising, red numbers is cool. I wonder if they're any further along with a new sponsor.
  17. How much are season tickets in the platinum? Around £880-900. At least they were when I was in there. Are they generally available pre-season or likely to be sold out? Platinum you're likely to be okay in any normal season. Still worth checking with them for availability though.
  18. How much are season tickets in the platinum? Around £880-900. At least they were when I was in there.
  19. NUFC_Chris


    I hope it isn't a betting site, but looking at the Premier league these days it certainly wouldn't surprise me. Hoping for a pleasant surprise.
  20. Seem to recall Forest doing a similar thing in 09/10, remember them pushing us really hard then dropping away, finally finishing third & getting knocked out in the play off semi's?
  21. We just want loan with option to buy in the summer, can't see them going for it. Move on I reckon.
  22. On another note, I see Ross McCormack is training with the u23's after falling out with Bruce. Apparently hasn't been turning up for training and has a terrible attitude. Seems like that's one summer non-signing that we got right.
  23. I don't think anyone doubts the extra quality he'd bring to the side, I think it's more of a 'he jumped ship for a Pardew led Palace, f*** him' thing. I'd have him back in a second, like. Only thing bothering me about it is the quote in the paper saying that Townsend himself is the one who wants the loan only because we're not certain to be Premier League next season. Obviously it's just speculation with no substantial quotes or anything, but while the possibility of it being true is still there it'll get to me and to be honest with the way he left, it seems more likely that it is true than not to me. Dont want or need that type of player at Newcastle He's just covering his bases, it doesn't bother me really. Him coming back to the club less than six months after he left in the first place is an admission he got it wrong.
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