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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Decent squad player imo, and for £6.2m we aren't going to get much better.
  2. Thinking about it, we did have red numbers with the blue star on the front in the 80's.
  3. I'm pleased there's no panel on the front for a sponsor, and from the vid it looked like a striped back as well. Sponsor looks naff, but there you go, can't have everything. Red numbers on the back though wasn't it, might be a bit odd with the blue sponsor?
  4. Possibly an actual leaked shot of the kit, prior to any sponsor being agreed, and someone's shopped the fun88 logo on it?
  5. NUFC_Chris


    what is fun88 - gambling? Aye.
  6. NUFC_Chris


    I hope you're right tbf, I'd much rather that than fun88.
  7. NUFC_Chris


    Had never heard of them, where'd you hear this from? Would it not make more sense to be our kit supplier if this was the case? Everyone seems pretty convinced it's Fun88, but I don't even know where that story started?
  8. Reading booked for time wasting on their own corner lol.
  9. I was against the banner being flown, not just because of the message on it, but I wouldn't have supported any banner. A lack of banner would've spoken louder than any message. I do think people are reading too much into this though. It wasn't meant to insult Bradley, and his parents have said they didn't think it was offensive or insensitive and that they were happy that awareness and funds were being raised. I get why people think it was a bad idea, and I agree, but I do think it's a case of mountains out of molehills with some people.
  10. There'll be loads he wants to talk about I reckon, not just how much money he's after for players. I reckon he'll be wanting to discuss long term plans for the club, new training ground & academy etc.
  11. Can I just say, Get French Football @GFFN are not reliable, I blocked them on twitter a few seasons ago as they were getting on my tits. We're going to get stories like this, they're totally unsubstantiated, and in my opinion designed to wind up fans and generate link clicks and a reaction. Please don't fall for it. What does this even have to do with French Football. They're wankers man.
  12. I went for Huddersfield, for no other reason than: a) We may want to nab Cairney from Fulham b) I went to Sheff Wed away this season and found many of their supporters to have a bit of a chip on their shoulder re us for some reason. c) Reading (blerr), need I say more.
  13. NUFC_Chris


    I hope you heard that right. We didn't in 09/10 if I recall correctly.
  14. I don't know if he's still there, would seem a bit bizarre if he was, but he was in the Jesmond Dene Hotel for quite a while.
  15. We need to all sing from the same hymn sheet. If Ashley is happy, he's more likely to financially support the club. Personally pleased he was here, saw us win, and I hope to see some positive news re the future of the club under Rafa.
  16. Happy to see that pic of Mike Ashley & Rafa, gives me a bit of hope going forward. Just commit Rafa.
  17. NUFC_Chris


    Shame we couldn't attract a more prestigious sponsor, but if the Chinese betting sites are paying the readies I suppose...
  18. Wow. Free ticket mackems certainly isn't just a joke.
  19. Aye, haven't clicked on the article so have no idea of what he's saying. Partially because I hold no value to what Merson has to say about NUFC, and secondly because that Chronicle site is such a disease these days. FWIW we're going to get these stories, particularly from bell-whiffs like Merson & the talksport crowd et al; it's best to ignore it. Most of them say stuff to be controversial.
  20. Yup, first season back you just have to ensure survival. The garbage that Craig Bellamy is coming out with, about the fans supposedly wanting Champions League is ridiculous, a bit like him.
  21. Seen the interview on nufctv where he turns around and applauds the fans? Love that man.
  22. The media briefing is up on nufctv. Re the talks with Ashley, he said he was happy and confident. It didn't sound like he was thinking of leaving tbh. https://www.nufc.co.uk/nufc-tv
  23. Beye from Marseille as well. We picked up another guy as well, cant remember his name, we shiftd him to Stoke, scored against us??? Rozenhal? Just googled, he's Czech but signed from PSG.
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