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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. NUFC_Chris


    He's being torn inside out. The message transcripts etc are pretty damning.
  2. NUFC_Chris


    You've got to wonder why his girlfriend's standing by him. Oh hang on, money & lifestyle, at a guess.
  3. NUFC_Chris


    I just had a bit of a snoop on RTG & they're deleting every thread on AJ. From what I've seen most of them want him sacked & rightly so.
  4. NUFC_Chris


    Speculating, but quite probably he's been advised by his solicitors to make a guilty plea for a reduced sentence.
  5. NUFC_Chris


    I find it pretty shocking he's been allowed to play. I'm not just saying that because it's the mackems. If they've known he was going to plead guilty, why the f*** play him? Unless he's been lying to them all the while. Still shouldn't have been playing regardless imo.
  6. Just been reading some comments on reddit from Derby fans following Clement's sacking. A surprising number of them still really like him, and are saying the football they played under him last season was better than they have under Clement. I'm actually pretty gobsmacked they still like him. Some examples I've cut & paste: "I'd love him back. The football we played under him was a million times better and that wasn't an exaggeration! Problem is that the team has had it's heart ripped out and chucked in the bin." "If he gets you playing he's great, just hope no one else offers him a better job or he'll be off. But only after he promised all your players you're going places and they sign new contracts turning down big moves. Cheers Schteve." "Our football has been poor all season. Say what you like about Schteve being a muppet but the football was great. Miss thrashing teams and the quick one touch passing." "I don't like it but I can see why they've done it. For the past two years we've been playing some really attractive football and the team spirit was obviously at an all time high. Even when we've been playing well this season we've looked nowhere near as good as we did under McClaren and we're only near the top due to our defence being sublime (for the most part). It's pretty obvious as well that some of the signings have come with a huge ego and really upset the dressing room while not showing on the pitch why they've been bought (yes, you Blackman). Either way I wanted him to have more time." Just a few of many.
  7. Looks about the same age as McClaren tbf.
  8. Apparently planning on playing him tomorrow according to their assistant coach. Dead & buried this one imo.
  9. They'll no doubt be the biggest names we put out.
  10. What team was fielded, anyone know? Of course, with it being a 'secret friendly' with no media present, the media will no doubt run with this.
  11. So it sounds like this isn't going to happen. Fair enough if Spurs are really asking for £14m+.
  12. He's said all this before! How many chances do you give him? I'm sceptical he means any of it. Still, if he gets a new contract out of it.
  13. Just read this thread on Reddit. *shakes fist angrily at monitor*
  14. Really pleased for him, he's got Nice right up the league on his own pretty much. I'd wager he'll be in the frame for a France recall if he keeps this up.
  15. West Ham was disappointing. I was expecting more of a fight from us given the way we battled against Arsenal & Man U. We can't just do it against the sides at the top. The first half wasn't too bad, Janmaat really should've scored and 1-1 at HT would've been interesting but I was so disappointed in our lack of application in the second half. Way too early to jump to conclusions still, but, yeah, if we lose to Watford at home and fail to score again I will be getting a little worried tbh.
  16. Bullying FFS. What action should the authorities take like? Wow, the soft shite. He's never experienced such venom he says? Well, he must have lived a very sheltered life. It was more like Pantomime ffs than venom. He's just using his media position to whinge and cry about something he got upset over as it was against his team.
  17. He was awful. I've seen all the comments from Sky, Ian Wright, Savage & co and regardless of the red card decision, the officiating was embarassingly one-sided. It's not the first, nor likely to be the last time from Marriner either. But this is the sort of media shite you have to put up with when playing one of the chosen media darlings.
  18. I like him, he's a smart guy and although early days I'm seeing improvement in the team. He said himself we're a long way from where we want to be but there seems to be a new professionalism to the club generally which is refreshing to see.
  19. That's a class twitter page. They had a pic of Novak Djokovic earlier when running the Djuricic story.
  20. Amazed Panathinaikos have the money for Abeid, even if it's 'only' a couple of million.
  21. @PeteGravesSky: Remy Cabella has left #nufc training ground early. For all the latest on the Florian Thauvin deal follow @SkySportsNewsHQ #SSNHQ #skysources Pretty sad to see Cabella go. Never really had much of a chance coming into that mess last season.
  22. @NUFC360: Contrary to french reports, Cabella is training as usual with #NUFC this morning, reports Sky Sports.
  23. Still not 100% convinced this one is really happening. We've had Cabella sold to Marseille by the French press more than once this summer and I just can't see how Thauvin is worth that amount of money. Sceptical.
  24. Can't understand why we'd pay them that much for Thauvin and give them arguably a better player on loan. Baffled by this if it isn't twitter bollocks.
  25. Got the Pompey vs Derby game on. Been a while since I've seen a camera angle at basically pitch level.
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