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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. There are geo political reasons for that though.
  2. He certainly fucked governing bodies attempts to cap agents fees under anti competitive legislation. https://x.com/nickdemarco_/status/1741102055014433221?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ https://x.com/nickdemarco_/status/1735644167521341793?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ
  3. TeamTalk on Twitter……..as reliable as a broken watch.
  4. It only needs one club…….if it’s City so be it, the important point is likely legal action could be coming. I’d also add it’s highly likely that that there’ll have been some lengthy discussions with the City board on how to take it forward.
  5. Mark Douglas………City and us, possible legal battles
  6. Agreed and the first hint of ‘legal battles’.
  7. I wouldn’t be to sure, litigation doesn’t bother PIF, LIV Golf tells you that.
  8. Challenge FMV at least at a Competition Appeals Tribunal, it really is the only way.
  9. Governing bodies, PL, UEFA’, and FIFA are involving themselves in clubs commercial activities and on every level that is wrong and should be challenged. As you say there is no other sector would this be tolerated. FFP restricts investment from owners and FMV restricts clubs from increasing revenue streams unless a governing body agrees it’s fair, what the fuck!!
  10. Fuck knows what happened there.
  11. The club has to make that decision though, it’s either or, I doubt it can be both.
  12. The club has to make that decision though, it’s either or, I doubt it can be both.
  13. The club has to make that decision though, it’s either or, I doubt it can be both.
  14. The Arena site has been ‘Master Planned’ and as you say earmarked for development but that can change, there’s no certainty yet.
  15. They might not redevelop SJP, just continue there until a new stadium is built if that’s what they decide.
  16. Is 8-10k increase in capacity enough? Whether fans like it or not corporate facilities will be increased significantly even at SJP, the ordinary fan won’t benefit that much. Corporate is where the money is for the club and a new stadium allows for massive increases in revenues. Any work at SJP will also take time to complete and reduce income whilst work is ongoing. I’m not a civil engineer but extending the Gallowgate stand, there is a Metro line virtually underneath, don’t know what the implications are in such work. I guess we’ll see what the feasibility study says but a new stadium is by no means incredibly unlikely.
  17. The club or any other club wouldn’t’sue’ anybody in relation to FFP/FMV, they’d make an application to a Competition Appeal Tribunal that the rules are anti competitive. As for the Arena site it’ll be a few years whether it happens and the same trying to expand/extend SJP. I’m not daft enough to think it’ll happen within a year.
  18. The Arena site is in the City Centre, SJP whether we like it or not just doesn’t do it for me. You attempt to build on the Leazes Park or the Leazes Moor and it won’t take to long before Friends of the Leazes Park and Castle Leazes spring up and object, just as they did in the 90’s. A member of my family is a consultant town planner and has visited the Arena site in a work capacity, and I’m told it’s an ideal site for a new stadium and would regenerate the locality commercially to. Who knows what the eventual outcome will be, it’s all down to the club.
  19. Of course there is a site in the City………the Arena site. It’s only been ‘master planned’ for housing, that means nothing, the club if they choose too could still discuss with the council, and even purchase the land to build a new stadium. It’s all down to the club.
  20. There are Tort Laws in the UK, worth googling them.
  21. Man U fans would be gutted with Potter….canny manager though.
  22. Who knows…..now I wonder if this is genuine? https://x.com/mccull41/status/1763502109054415351?s=46&t=RaLdCRuzyWBbm603Y3eUgg
  23. Them and Villa abstained at the PL meeting early last month re more onerous rules. Had one of them voted against the new rules wouldn’t have been passed.
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