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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Absolutely! Have you seen how he speaks to people when they question his "sources" and the info he gives out? Anyone who questions it is immediately called a troll, part of a cult and accused of being against the takeover. How ironic. He completely led people up the path and should hold his hands up for getting so much wrong when so many were hanging on to his every word.
  2. I'm going to call him out on twitter when (if) this all finally ends in nothing. Ask him genuinely if he will be apologising to everyone he's blocked and shouted down. Mainly to that shell, who tbf has been proved correct over him and Liam Kennedy.
  3. I guess Keith will be unblocking and apologising to every one who disagreed with him on twitter now that he has changed his tune? No didn't think so. Instead of holding his hands up he's now saying he's still bound by some NDA Him and mouth of the tyne really need to meet each other, they'll get along like a house on fire.
  4. And ironically both say don't judge the manager on results, judge on the league position at the end of the season. We all know Rafa will finish above Bruce but that won't be considered if Bruce gets a flukey win over him. Just imagine the tactical details that Rafa will go into pre-match, compared with Bruce gritting his teeth and saying "come on" whilst clenching his fat little fist.
  5. When the players were getting water during the first half on Saturday Jones had them in a circle and was giving instructions. While Bruce stood about 4ft away looking down and drinking out of his favourite water bottle.
  6. Just back from the game, a good few Bruce out chants. Him trapping the ball and loads of booing was class. Loads sitting around me were moaning at the boo'ers though and saying Bruce is doing OK ?
  7. Driving up from Norwich and got tickets for this. I know, batshit crazy.
  8. Bruce saved from criticism again in the media as pens are always "a lottery"
  9. Only updates I've got on my notifications are a 25 yard shot from Hendrick, missed. Manquillo tees up Hendrick who... Missed Shot from Hendrick in the middle, on target but failed to score. The game sounds absolutely riveting.
  10. And that's why I agree with MP. Going by their rules they can't reject it, because they don't have reasonable grounds, hence why they didn't and why we have taken it to legals.
  11. I actually agree with him. I don't think there is any legal way the PL can stop the deal, they know this and this is why they are stalling and stalling. Look at what that alone has done on here, people just can't be bothered anymore. That's exactly what they want, mostly of course from the buyers. But I truly believe the buyers won't back down. With everything we have seen about takeovers of other clubs in the PL we deserve ours, sovereign state or not. The PL do not, and I believe, cannot have the absolute final decision on a change of business.
  12. Agree with this, Ashley and his persistence to force this deal through one way or another screams that PIF are still willing to buy.
  13. We're gonna get an absolute battering this season, a 0-5 or 0-6 job. Chelsea away is my prediction. Lukaku vs Krafth There's not a single team in this league who I could say with confidence that we could beat comfortably, that's not down to our squad either, that's purely down to him not knowing what the fuck to do against beatable teams except from fucking "roll our sleeves up"
  14. I think any visits to this country from PIF are probably Mclaren related tbh. All those times we were thinking they were flying over to sort out our deal and they were more than likely talking with Mclaren
  15. Was then about to post this image. Seriously man that foot has been fucking extended
  16. I wouldn't read anything into these "communication breakdown" stories tbh. It's obviously a ploy to get traffic to their new site. Not really groundbreaking anyway as people by now are either fed up about takeover stories and couldn't give a fuck, or they just know that no one outside of the deal knows anything about what's going on.
  17. So in February another takeover was on the cards? I wonder what Keith was saying on YouTube around that time? Iirc it was the Saudi deal would definitely go through in a couple of months? I wonder why it doesn't add up ?
  18. Can't stand him. Utter shite. Have zero confidence in him to win a game comfortably enough times this season to not ever have to worry about the bottom 3. Dont have enough confidence in him to not worry when we take the lead in a game because we can't ever control possession. Don't have enough confidence in him to pick the right team or choose the correct tactics against the opposition. Hopefully this is the season he gets told to fuck off but.... Yeah I'm not confident in that either.
  19. I quite like the fact that he's got a few small flaws to his game, if he was at his full potential you just know one of the big 6 would come along and sign him to use as an explosive sub. The fact that he still has a lot to improve on while still being one of the best players at our club suits me just fine. Our creativity is non existent without him.
  20. Scotty66

    Joe Willock

    Give him the 3 years and let the new owners sort out renegotiation once it ends. Amirite?
  21. Scotty66

    Joe Willock

    Luke "kept getting the story right Henry Mauriss" Edwards You have to laugh when a professional journalist can't even use the correct words on twitter. I mean 101, come on.
  22. On the brightside, if he thinks it's now not happening, that means it most definitely will....
  23. I say it everytime but Messi should have signed for some mid table prem side, or one of his close to heart teams in Argentina. He doesn't need the money, he's won the major trophies, why not make yourself an instant club legend by signing for a team that will never ever be able to afford a player anywhere near his calibre. The respect he would get would be immense and always remembered. I mean imagine him signing for someone like Wolves on 30k a week, it would be absolutely bonkers and give every single fan a smile on their face for the entire season. That's proper football, not just joining a team that can throw money at whoever they want in order to claim they're "The best"
  24. I think it's based on how the average wage will be going up and up over the next 6 years. They could gave him less than that wage for 3 years but if he stayed and signed a new 3 year deal after that it would cost them more especially with signing on fees etc. At least this wage ties him down. Not sure what kind of wages the top players were getting in 2015 but I'd say there is quite a difference in today's market.
  25. The best chance we have at the minute is the PL suddenly deciding to settle out of court and push the takeover through. This could happen literally any day. I've taken a company to court over money and the judge told us to go outside and try and settle it in the waiting room, if we can't then he will continue. This was at the hearing so even though this takeover case is a much much bigger scale, there is every chance the PL get told "get a deal done out of court", even more so IF the evidence we have them really is that strong. The arbitration delay may have been caused by our own legal team, it does seem weird that that was a huge push for transparency that we wouldn't have gotten from arbitration, but apparently will get from CAT. The ball was in their court as they could hide information, now it's in ours as if CAT goes ahead first things can get revealed. It's all guess work though and nobody knows what's really going on. I definitely don't think it's dead in the water, and I do think Ashley and the consortium (including PIF) still want to do the deal. That's as much confidence as I need really, I don't care how long it takes, as long as everyone stays committed to the deal,eventually I honestly believe it will get allowed to go through.
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