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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Don't know why he chose to attack the Gallowgate in the first half.
  2. His acceleration to get our second is absurd. When you see it again it's worth keeping in mind he was our player who ran the furthest.
  3. He's bloody good to watch on days like today. Ran his bollocks off too.
  4. That won't be the only time you see that message over the next couple of days.
  5. Ground was quiet as anything that day.
  6. You sound like you need anger management tbf
  7. Said the latte supping, bespoke kitchen tile aficionado.
  8. An Irish plastic Man Utd fan. Who'd have thunk it.
  9. Graham Carr implements a recruitment policy with strict parameters. Whoever establishes Graham Carrs remit should be put in charge.
  10. http://33.media.tumblr.com/39a9d4732faf44bda32b3b1045a23f04/tumblr_inline_mifquoFkJ41qz4rgp.gif
  11. Pearson has managed us before. He was shite then he'd be shite now.
  12. There is no way Sanchez ends up here.
  13. You pretty much exist in your own mind.
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