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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Why do people think he goes for such Croniysm?
  2. http://www.nufc.com/players/ajeti-albian-basle.jpg
  3. Aye who cares about winning things, being the 17th best team in the league, that's all that matters If we get relegated we won't be challenging for any major trophy for the forseeable future and the whole direction of the football club looks ominous regardless of whether Ashley sells it or not. It's easy to pass out a cynical reply but the reality is if we go down the chances of actually getting back to a club of even a remotely respectable stature at the top level seems massively unlikely.Like I said, for the first time ever, I'd rather we focussed on the league and then if we managed to stay up you have to hope further investment will happen to build on what we have. But still, A win for momentum would probably be more beneficial than a loss. Except that isn't the reality at all. In fact the exact same opinion was probably put forward in 08-09.
  4. Imagine the fucking state you'd have to be to spend your night tweeting a fucking footballer.
  5. Was such a lovely run for that chance he missed. Hope he starts putting things away more often.
  6. Fair play to him for losing weight to be Santa.
  7. So why be a c***? Slightly alarmed that this has come from one of the more erudite posters.
  8. http://s15.postimg.org/lsjf01r63/Tottenham_vs_Newcastle.jpg
  9. Looks like the coach driver on school trips, impossible not to be happy for him.
  10. 'The criticism of Colback, even in his Sunderland days, was that his neatness didn’t necessarily lead anywhere. He’s played 411 passes in 880 minutes on the pitch this season, but none of them have led to a goal and only six have been deemed key passes; three of those have been corners.'
  11. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/multimedia/archive/00392/8415671_football_392047c.jpg :lol:
  12. With Mitro signed we would benefit from conventional wide players.
  13. McClaren had nothing to do with Brazilians at Boro. He also signed Viduka.
  14. He played 2 balls out to the channel against Liverpool when he should have played the ball inside. He also should have squared to Colo when he was put through. Other than that no complaints but if he'd chosen better we probably would have scored at least one more.
  15. We kicked off didn't we? Which means Liverpool choose ends. He definitely told the ref he wanted to change ends
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