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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Can't help but feel one of the problems with us looking a little disjointed is the fact that Gordon tends to get his head down and run when he receives the ball. Often he runs infield, which takes him away from an overlapping full-back, into a midfield where nobody seems quite sure where they are supposed to be. Last night Trippier was nowhere near Gordon. In isolation he is pretty easy to defend against. If Isak is dropping deep, there is little to no chance of the two of them linking up and things just peter out. I'm really curious as to what we look like with Livramento and Hall at full back. Think we'd have direct pace in forward areas, recovery pace in defensive areas and quality delivery from overlapping full-backs.
  2. they need too because if we are going to persist with two wide forwards and one central we will look clueless without it.
  3. Eddie back at the team hotel drawing his trainsona.
  4. I can probably provide a ringer if it is needed.
  5. Reconstructive surgery for Ian W's standing leg.
  6. We looked good in pre-season. Seem to have lost a lot of intensity on todays showing.
  7. By the way how many of our players are really at that top level? When we talk of taking us further, I think of Botman, Tonnali, Bruno and Isak. Trippier too but age.
  8. Must have missed him running from inside his own half with the ball and hitting the post ?‍♂️
  9. Yet he assisted Bruno with out best chance of the game.
  10. His Dad looks like the archetypal Geordie bloke.
  11. There were occasions where city let us have the ball. Also we probably attempted less high risk passes than we would do ordinarily.
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