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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Is there any other form of entertainment (sporting aside) where people just turn up or watch, regardless of the s*** that is on display? I've watched Neighbours for 20+ years and it's fucking terrible.
  2. Supporting the team achieves very little in the hierarchy of things that actually make a difference to a football team. Mike Ashley's ownership has a far bigger impact on the pitch events than any support will ever have.
  3. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view7/2968265/homer-simpson-swearing-o.gif
  4. Odd that a profession that trains people to shoot people in the face has a warped moral relativism.
  5. He wrote a song about Danny Rose ffs.
  6. all that needs to be said about his potential appointment.
  7. they initially handled it perfectly, then they got worried about relegation
  8. He will go not guilty in the magistrates court as he will still get full credit for the first hearing in the Crown. If the case involves penetration it has to go the Crown court. The hearing on May 20th is to decide which Court hears the case, in this case it's something of a formality as each category on sentence has a range that exceeds the magistrates jurisdiction (2 years imprisonment).
  9. Ferrerya can't play. Im pretty sure it's a term of his loan agreement.
  10. Not so, particularly in the current high profile sex abuse era. We will find out what it's all about soon enough, the grooming charge and the fact that it covers a couple of months are a bit suggestive though. He'll be looking at porridge if he's found guilty after trial. I should think it will be 2 years or less on a plea so possibly suspended. If it has involved penetration then he really is likely to go to prison.
  11. L L L L L *protest* L f*** off.
  12. This is the problem with Ashley's cheap ass way of doing things, it's all good and well finding a diamond amongst the cheap coal you buy but when you've got a dud like Carver in charge they'll never progress or look anything as good as they can be with such s*** football being played. You'll never get the true potential out of any players and you'll never sell them at their maximum value because of this. Does it matter when you keep making a profit?
  13. Shearer also looked like a man who would have gotten up to speed with management eventually, he should never have brought Dowie with him though. Carver is just completely and utterly clueless.
  14. Charnley is also sporting a gallic expression.
  15. This was clearly a legitimate piece of business.
  16. It's difficult, as the game becomes more bloated and grotesquely rich more and more people are going to greater lengths to find something they like about the sport. A lot of fans just want to be left alone.
  17. If they were in any way serious about spending a bit of money on the club they'd have gone out and paid for a proper manager in January. This was 7 1/2 years after purchase of the club. Tells you absolutely everything you need to know.
  18. I agree. Given current squad depth I'm not surprised he is playing up top on his todd. I like him driving infield from the left.
  19. Because he is isolated. I'm not sure if that precludes him playing up top by himself. Need to get players nearer to him.
  20. Could do all black with a thin white stripe.
  21. The players are significantly better than their past six performances.
  22. Nothing wins forum people over quite like explaining that you were kicked off the last board for being a mackem. Solid opener.
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