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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Because he's not Carver or McClaren. It's like going to get a puppy and coming back with a goat. It's badass.
  2. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2010/9/9/1284054069863/Steve-Bruce-006.jpg
  3. Be nice liking a manager. Even if its just for a little while.
  4. Remember when Kinnear was all there's a permanent contract for me whatever happens?
  5. Or as NUFC54 calls it, an ace post.
  6. As fans there is not a good or even viable option for us at the moment. As long as Ashley owns the club it's out of our hands.
  7. Or a bit of minimal tweaking leads to us picking up an extra six points and jobs a good'un for another year.
  8. Very well constructed reply. Have I once said that YOU cannot discuss HBA? No. I've made a point that I feel discussing him is pointless because he doesn't play for us. What is wrong with that? That's pointless in and of itself.
  9. Platini the guy who was given a picasso by the Russians
  10. That's not going to do his value any favours.
  11. If a penalty against a dreadful team is the best example of him 'turning up', then I rest my case. Better than anyone managed last weekend against an equally s**** QPR team. Seriously, what kind of cocksnogger can't see that even a half-arsed HBA would bring 200% more to the team than f***ing slopers like Gouffran, Sameobi or Obertan? Well done. This forum has always had an unhealthy obsession with the lad. I hate posts like this.
  12. He's a rank average footballer in a terrible team. The fact he is one of our better performers says it all, certainly doesn't mean he is worthy of any praise, particularly as he seems to be playing at the ceiling of his ability.
  13. That's the worst kit I've ever seen us have.
  14. Didn't Charlton and West Ham have the type of British lads he liked? He's doomed to fail because he's a crap manager. His only saving grace will be the turgid teams occupying the lower half of the league.
  15. I'd quite like to re-enact the goodbye scene from Harry and the Henderson's with Taylor, or maybe Jonas for dramatic effect.
  16. There are no offers now because the PL Gravy Train inflates the value effectively the purchase price will take into account future revenues. After a few years in lower leagues the value of the club will be far below £250m and it is likely to represent a good investment opportunity. For the life of me, unless the football bubble bursts I can see no reason for Mike Ashley to sell a Premier League Club. I can also see little reason to buy it. You dont know that the price is more than the £250m he originally put in. Thats purely guesswork, i agree theres no reason he will go unless the fans make it impossible for him(yeah right) but i still dont think he will suddenly throw away a fortune either on relegation. I don't know what the price is now. I just know that PL football clubs are not really a buyers market. Also if you're Ashley and you consider NUFC an investment he is getting good value from his investment now and for the foreseeable. I don't think he'd do anything on relegation but I think if we were out of the top league for a while he'd be more inclined to sell, I also think it's more conducive to fan pressure being exerted. It's a shitty situation either way which there isn't an obvious way out of.
  17. So you do want NUFC to be relegated then? Want suggests a willing or desire. I don't want it to happen but I fear it is a necessary evil.
  18. There are no offers now because the PL Gravy Train inflates the value effectively the purchase price will take into account future revenues. After a few years in lower leagues the value of the club will be far below £250m and it is likely to represent a good investment opportunity. For the life of me, unless the football bubble bursts I can see no reason for Mike Ashley to sell a Premier League Club. I can also see little reason to buy it.
  19. I don't want NUFC to be relegated. That said it's what the club deserves and I am firmly of the view that Ashley is more likely to sell a club outside of the Premier League. Voted yes.
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